

214 results
Technical document
Agroforestry, Climate, Forest, Market

Presentation - Traceability, transparency and sustainability in the cocoa sector in Cameroon

Thomas Fabre, Simon Bassanaga, Ghislain Fomou Nyamsi, Pierre Ricau, Elsa Sanial
Agroforestry, Climate, Forest, Market

Report - Traceability, transparency and sustainability in the cocoa sector in Cameroon

Thomas Fabre, Simon Bassanaga, Ghislain Fomou Nyamsi, Pierre Ricau, Elsa Sanial
Organic Agriculture, Agroforestry, Spatial Planning, Bioenergy, Climate, Forest, Market, REDD+, Remote sensing

PRM2 Leaflet - Preserving the biodiversity of Mabi-Yaya & Strengthening the socio-economic development of the Mé

Renaud Lapeyre
Technical document
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroforestry, Agroprocessing, Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Forest, Market

Presentation of a labels study, their interest and leads to support their promotion for Madagascar's products

Julien Gonnet, Ny Avy Andriamisaina, Cédric Rabany
Technical document
Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest

Simplified business plan on acacia mangium plantations for the production of wood energy and timber & recommendations on its optimization

Anthony Guhur
Scientific publication
Biodiversity, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, REDD+, Remote sensing

Detection of Forest Tree Losses in Côte d’Ivoire Using Drone Aerial Images

Tiodionwa Abdoulaye Ouattara, Valère-Carin Jofack Sokeng, Irié Casimir Zo-Bi, Koffi Fernand Kouamé, Clovis Grinand, Romuald Vaudry
Technical document
Organic Agriculture, Biodiversity, Forest, Modeling, Remote sensing

Internship report - Production of a visualization tool for spatialized indicators of deforestation risk

Cédrick-Armel Yao Yebouet
Technical document
Agriculture, Agroforestry, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Modeling, Remote sensing

Internship report - Development of spatial indicators for cocoa agroforestry plots in Côte d'Ivoire

Emma Seneschal
Technical document
Agriculture, Agroforestry, Spatial Planning, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Modeling, Remote sensing

Internship report - Assessment of landscape dynamics in the complex of protected areas of Pô-Nazinga-Sissili in Burkina-Faso

Adrien Coquereau
Technical document
Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Market, Remote sensing

Doctoral thesis - Forest landscape dynamics in Mozambique - a study of the Miombo ecology to contribute to degraded-lands restoration strat…

Frédérique Montfort
Technical document
Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Market, Remote sensing

Thesis defense - Forest landscape dynamics in Mozambique - a study of the Miombo ecology to contribute to degraded-lands restoration strate…

Frédérique Montfort
Project report
Agriculture, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Climate, Forest, Market, REDD+

Year 1 report of the WAKANDA project, a multisectoral approach for sustainable and inclusive prosperity of the terroirs

Jules Souleymane Gaye
Technical document
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroecology, Spatial Planning, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Market, Remote sensing

Analysis of landscape dynamics and factors of change in vegetation productivity - Exploratory study on the PAPBIO Comoé Project

Montfort Frédérique, Clovis Grinand
Technical document
Agriculture, Agroecology, Spatial Planning, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Market, REDD+

Our intervention strategies support to reduce Mount Namuli farmers’ dependence on natural resource (highland forest)

Margaux Béringuier
Technical document
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroforestry, Climate, Forest, Market, REDD+

Sustainability initiatives in Ivorian and Ghanaian cocoa supply chains benchmarking and analysis

Pierre Ricau, Elsa Sanial, Cédric Rabany, Benjamin Garnier