

182 people

Matthieu Tiberghien

Holder of a Master's degree in Management from the Paris-Dauphine University and a Master in "Social Policies and Planning in developing Countries" from the London School of Economics, he brings his expertise in project building and project management in renewable energy, REDD+, technical engineering, economic and financial due diligence, business development, strategic partnerships, fundraising and human ressources management

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Cédric Rabany

Holder of a Master of Science, "Agricultural Engineer and territories development" from the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISARA Lyon), he brings his expertise in agro-food/agricultural sectors' analysis and development, strengthening of supplychain actors (producers, private/public actors, agro-food industries...), socio-economic analysis of agricultural chains and his great knowledge of companies in these markets

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Country representative in Burkina Faso

Sophie Yaogo

Graduated with a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from National Taiwan University (College of Bio-resources and Agriculture) and a Master's degree in Economics and Management of Social and Solidarity Economy Businesses from Thomas Sankara University, she has skills in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of sustainable development projects, the analysis of agricultural value chains and the valorization of agricultural products. She joined Nitidæ in 2017 as Agricultural Trainer Advisor for the SESAME (Sesame Marketing and Export) project, then in charge of field coordination of WAKANDA (West African Knowledge for Agriculture, Nature and Development Activities)

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Assistant Representative in Burkina-Faso

Koffi Mickael Yameogo

Holder of a Master's degree in Research in geography and a Master's degree in international cooperation and humanitarian aid, he has 15 years of experience in the field of community development. He has worked in particular on water and sanitation, agriculture and food security, natural resource management and capacity building of local stakeholders. He worked at the Permanent Secretariat of NGOs on coordinating the running of eight thematic working groups, before joining the Nitidæ team. He has strong skills in writing and project management, communication and advocacy, as well as network facilitation and team coordination.

Country representative in Côte d'Ivoire

Renaud Lapeyre

PhD in environmental and development economics (ENS Cachan, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines), he is expert in conservation finance, including through ecotourism and innovative financial mechanisms (PES), and he specialised in international cooperation programs. He worked several years in Namibia, Morocco, and Kenya. In 2012, he joined Iddri (SciencesPo Paris) as senior researcher in biodiversity economics, before joining WWF France in 2017, as a manager for public sector partnerships. At Nitidae since September 2021, Renaud was PRM2 Project Manager from 2021 to March 2024

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Country representative in Mozambique

Jean-Baptiste Roelens

Holder of a master Tropical environment and Biodiversity, he worked for 3 years in French Guyana, notably as forest ecology and soil science research officer at CIRAD. From 2008 to 2016 he worked at the WWF in Madagascar, France and Democratic Republic of Congo as Forest and Climate program manager. At WWF, he supported conservation, forest landscape restoration and REDD+ projects, he also conducted campaign and advocacy work on forest policies and energy infrastructure development. He joined Etc Terra - then nitidæ - in May 2016 as MOZBIO project manager around the Gilé national reserve in the Zambézia province in Mozambique.

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Country representative in Madagascar / Project Manager

Tsoa Andrianamenosoa Rakotondrasoa Miaratiana

Engineer in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Antananarivo, holder of a Master 2 in planning and management of tropical ecosystems (University of Lomé), a Master in Agroecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change (University of Antananarivo and Montpellier SupAgro) and a Master in Agroecology and Resource Management from Bordeaux Sciences Agro. He coordinates the Nitidæ sub-office in Fort-Dauphin and brings his expertise to the setting up and coordination of two major projects in the southern and southeastern part of Madagascar: Talaky Be financed by AFD and the European Union and Beampingaratsy National Protected Area financed by the Rainforest Trust Foundation

Country representative in Senegal / Project Manager

Cheikh Ousmane Loum

Graduated from a Master 2 in Territorial Planning - Decentralization and Local Development from the Faculty of Geography of the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. He also holds an engineering degree (Master 1) in community development and training from the Higher School of Applied Economics in Dakar. He is an expert in agricultural market analysis and in training and supporting producer organizations

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Administrative and Financial Director / France

Amélie Clémençon

Graduated in Business and Management (ISEG Lyon) and in International Solidarity Administration (BIOFORCE) since 2010, she has worked in administrative and logistical coordination for international missions. She joined Nitidæ in February 2020.

Administrative officer / France

Alexandre Nicole

Graduated in musicology, history of art and archeology, he is based in Lyon and in charge of administrative issues in Rongead (since 2001) and Nitidæ

Project officer / Agriculture & Market / France

Pierre Ricau

Holder of a Master Degree in "Agricultural Development and Economic Policies" from the Institute of Development Studies (IEDES), Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University and AgroParisTech. He brings his expertise in agricultural market analysis (especially cashew, sesame, shea, cocoa, hevea, corn, rice and onion), development of agro-food sectors, training engineering and consultancy on public agricultural/agro-industrial policies

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Value chain project manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Léo Godard

Agronomist with a degree from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT), he works on the analysis of agroindustrial projects and provide consultancy for promoters and investors of agro value chains. He also provides technical assistance and consultancy for small to large scale agricultural to switch to organic or regenerative practices

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Project Manager / France

Noémie Rullier

Holder of an Engineering diploma in Agronomy, specializing in Sustainable agricultural & Agri-Food systems for the South, from Montpellier SupAgro- Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), she brings her expertise to support technical changes and development processes in rural area; to support farm advisory, training engineering and plant biology research

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Project Officer / France

François Griffon

Holder of a Master's degree in "Sustainable Farming and Agri-food Systems in the South", specialised in "Markets, Organization, Quality and Services" from Montpellier SupAgro - Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), he brings his expertise in sector and value chain analysis, market studies, quality management and farmers' organisations services and support

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work

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Project officer / Forest & REDD + / France

Frédérique Montfort

Doctor of AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, she brings her expertise on the biodiversity component and on the degradation and restoration of forest landscapes. She joined N’Lab de Nitidæ in 2017 to carry out her thesis with the association, UR Forêts & Sociétés and UMR Tétis on the degradation and restoration of Miombo forest landscapes in Mozambique. She is currently conducting studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) on various projects of the association

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Project Manager / France

Clovis Grinand

PhD in Functional Ecology and Agronomic Sciences (SupAgro, IRD and CIRAD) and specialized in Localized Information Systems for Spatial Planning (AgroParisTech), he is an expert in land use change monitoring using remote sensing, digital soil mapping and spatial modeling applied to forestry, agronomy and landscape ecology. He is the author of numerous international scientific publications.

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Project manager / Bioenergy & Waste / France

Etienne Perrier

Having graduated from the Engineering School INSA of Lyon as an Engineer in Energy & Environment, option "Thermal systems engineering", Section "Top-level sport", he brings his expertise in renewable thermal systems implementation and analysis, in the food processing industry (shea and cashew), waste recycling and training of local experts

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Mission officer / France

Etienne Duperron

Graduated of an agricultural engineering school (INP-ENSAT), he specialized in spatial information processing via the Master 2 in Geomatics Sciences in Environment and Planning (SIGMA) from the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès. After working for two years on forest degradation and reforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, he joined the team to provide support on processing, analysis and spatial modeling related to the development and sustainability of territories, mainly in Mozambique

Agronomy Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Valéry Bourotte

Graduate Engineer Agronomist, Sustainable Agrifood and Agronomic Systems in the South (SAADS) of the Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC) Montpellier SupAgro, he brings his expertise to the teams' methodological support on the diagnosis realization at the territory and plot scalesto co-construct projects with producers

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Agronomist value chain tasks officer / Agriculture & Market / France

Ali Hatimy

Agronomist graduated from AgroParisTech and a dual degree from Sciences Po - Paris School of International Affairs, Master in International Development - he brings his expertise on agricultural value chains (cocoa, cashew nuts, hazelnuts), on agricultural advice, agroforestry and local agro-food processing. Multilingual (French, English, Moroccan and literary Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish), he also has an expertise on the geopolitical contexts and agricultural policies of North Africa and the Middle East: Morocco and Turkey in particular

REDD+ and agro value chains task officer / Agriculture & market / France

Apolline Reboud

A graduate of the Montpellier SupAgro school of agriculture with a course in Sustainable Agricultural and Agrifood Systems in the South, she also specialized in Environmental Management of Ecosystems and Tropical Forests at AgroParisTech. After having worked at CIFOR Cameroon on the subject of community forests and in an association managing carbon offset projects (reforestation, agroforestry and rural development) as project coordinator, she comes to bring her plural approach between management of agricultural systems and forest preservation

Logistics and Purchasing Manager / France

Bertrand Descours

Graduated with a Master 1 in International Projects Coordinator (ESCD 3A LYON), he started as a humanitarian logistician from 2016, first in the NGO ACTED as well as at the French Red Cross and at Solidarités International. He then specialized in emergency epidemic or conflict missions through his missions abroad. He moved to the Lyon region and joined the team in September 2023

Carbon task officer / Forest & REDD+ / France

Lucas Veysman

Agricultural engineer with training in “Agricultural Development” at AgroParisTech. After working on the development of public policies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the Banque de France, he joined the team with his expertise in the decarbonization of agricultural sectors. He is specialized in evaluating the quantities of greenhouse gases emitted, avoided and sequestered during Nitidæ projects. His other mission is to calculate greenhouse gas emissions generated by supplies of tropical products, particularly for sectors sensitive to changes in land use

Task officer / Forest & REDD+ / France

Marc Bouvier

PhD from AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, he brings his expertise in remote sensing and vegetation modeling. His thesis, carried out between INRAE and the University of Sherbrooke in Canada, allowed him to develop skills in mapping forest ecosystems. With experience in a design office and at the IRD, he joined N'lab' in 2024 to put his skills at the service of innovative projects, notably Anagroclim with the mapping and yield forecasting of cashew trees orchards

Task officer in thesis / Agriculture & Market / France

Claire Auger

Graduated with a Master's degree in Biology, Ecology and Evolution and as an agricultural engineer from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie de Nancy (ENSAIA), she is writing a thesis at Nitidæ on the interactions between agricultural practices and biodiversity in the fields of tea around a national park in Uganda. She participates in the construction of biodiversity measurement methods applicable by producers and in the development of "Wildlife Friendly" labels

Agroeconomist and Study officer / Agriculture & Market / France

Anne Meyer

Agroeconomist graduated from the Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC) of the Institut Agro Montpellier and from EM LYON (MSc Management), she has been passionate about tropical agricultural value chains for more than twenty years. She has put her skills at the service of NGOs and cooperatives, but also of the FAO and the organic agri-food industry (Ecotone group). She joined the Nitidæ studies department in March 2024.

Task officer / Agriculture & Market / France

Anaïs Chotard

A graduate of ISTOM and a Master's degree in Natural Resource Management in a tropical environment, she has more than 15 years of international experience in structuring responsible value chains (particularly in West Africa) and in France. She has a good understanding of quality approaches, organic and fair trade certifications, and agroecology and agroforestry production systems. She has worked within cooperatives, commercial companies, training structures, research and NGOs, which allows her to have a good understanding of the challenges of the value chains. She joined the team in 2024, and takes part in studies and projects, particularly on shea and for more inclusive sectors for women and young people.

R&D Project Manager - Remote Sensing and Biodiversity / Forest & REDD+ / France

Beatriz Bellón

With a doctorate in geomatics (AgroParisTech/CIRAD), she brings her expertise in remote sensing and modeling to various R&D projects of the association, and in particular on the biodiversity and degradation and restoration components of forest landscapes. At the same time, she carries out studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) within the association. She joined the N’Lab in Nitidæ in 2024 after completing a thesis on the mapping of agricultural systems, and five years of postdoctoral research on the links between landscape changes and biodiversity in different tropical countries. Her research work has resulted in operational mapping and modeling tools and numerous scientific publications of international rank.

Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Benjamin Garnier

Agricultural Engineer, specialised in "quality of the environment and resources management", from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT). He brings his expertise in feasibility studies for investment funds, agricultural markets studies and analysis of value chains

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PhD student / Agriculture & Market / France

Antoine Aupois

Graduated with a Master's degree in "Dynamics of emerging and developing countries", specializing in Agricultural Development (Université Paris-Saclay). He is completing a thesis at Nitidæ and with the UFR of Comparative Agriculture at AgroParisTech. His work focuses on understanding the effects of introducing the carbon dimension on the content of agricultural development projects, and the resulting impacts on agrarian trajectories.

Endogenous facilitator / Agriculture & market / Senegal

Mbaye Ndao

Graduated from Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis (UGB) with a bachelor's degree in crop production and Agronomy and a higher diploma in entrepreneurial management (BAC+3) in the management of agricultural companies, animal production and crop production . He has experience at Carrefour International Canada, as a trainer in agroecology, advisor for the installation of market gardening perimeters and project evaluator. He was also a senior technician in vegetable production for the Cooperative Des Producteurs Maraîchers De Ngane/Kaolack (COOPMAN)

Project Manager - Agrarian Systems - Territories - Agro-ecology / Agriculture & Market / Senegal

Pierre Sutter

Graduate Engineer in Agriculture, Specialized in Agroecology of the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISA), he brings his expertise to the methodological support of the teams on the realization of diagnosis at the scale of the territory and the plot to develop the rules for managing natural resources and co-constructing innovative agricultural practices with producers. Based in Dakar serving West & Central Africa.

Agricultural commercial intermediation manager / Agriculture & Market / Senegal

Mor Seck

Graduated with a master's degree in agribusiness and a bachelor's degree in management sciences at the Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis in Senegal, he has specialized in agribusiness for 7 years. He worked at the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, on themes relating to varietal development in different agroecological zones through experimental tests on horticulture and field crops. He also has a good knowledge of the context and the stakeholders in commercial intermediation. Since January 2023, he has participated in the support study for the company SAF ingredients in Senegal on the onion sector financed by the Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund (AATIF)

Task Officer / Agriculture & Market / Senegal

Siméon Diedhiou

Holder of a PhD in Agriculture and Climate Change at the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB), he is also graduated from the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar with a Master 2 in Sustainable Management of Agroecosystems Horticulture and a Master 2 in Environmental Sciences. He has good experience working in rural Senegalese areas, particularly within the NGO Agrecol Afrique, as a program manager

Agricultural commercial mediator / Agriculture & Market / Senegal

Mamadou Tine

He has a degree in project management from the Higher Institute of Management, a diploma in environmental management and sustainable development from ISFAR and a diploma in breeding from the departmental livestock and animal production service. Since 2016, he has specialized in good governance, breeding and marketing. He worked on sustainable horticulture and livestock development for the Lutheran Church of Senegal as well as for the Belgian NGO Solidagro on good governance and the marketing of market garden products

Commercial mediator / Agriculture & Market / Senegal

Ibrahima Cissé

Holder of a Master 2 in Community Development from the Higher Institute of Local Development, as well as a License in Development Project Management, he has acquired solid academic training in the field. With experience supporting women in his community in the creation of income-generating activities then within the framework of the Agropole Center Professional Organizations Professionalization Project (PROPAC) as an endogenous facilitator, where he actively contributed to community development, particularly in agriculture. He brings his experience in promoting local and community development and improving the living conditions of communities, within the framework of sustainable and beneficial projects

Financial and administrative manager / Senegal

Sadio Cissé

She holds a Master 2 in Banking Finance Insurance from the University of Thiès. She started as an accounting secretary in an Italian international NGO in 2011 and then worked in many international and national organizations such as RAF. In her previous missions, she notably managed a school canteen project in the Thiès region

Commercial mediator / Agriculture & Market / Senegal

Youssoupha Thiam

He holds a master's degree in sustainable development and management of forest and agroforestry ecosystems and a bachelor's degree in agroforestry. He was an agricultural technician assistant in the NGO Trees for the Future in Senegal, and an endogenous facilitator in good governance and commercial mediation at Solidagro as part of the PROPAC project. He has also taught GIS, cartography, agro-climatology and agro-meteorology for 4 years at the University of Sine Saloum El-hâdj Ibrahima NIASS in Kaolack

Accountant / Burkina-Faso

Zalissa Dialla Kabore

Holder of a Masters in Economics and Management, option Economics and Management of Companies and Organizations. She worked in several structures before joining the team, she currently holds the position of accountant for the WAKANDA project in Burkina-Faso.

PONASI Accountant / Burkina-Faso

Abdoul Yaguibou

Holder of a Professional License in Management Science specializing in Finance and Accounting. Since 2009, he has worked as an accountant-tax specialist and material accountant in several fields (community, state public establishment, construction and trading company, accounting firm) and in training - support for companies and organizations vocational (GERME 1 and Professional Schools) and the rural world.

Driver / Burkina-Faso

David Yonli

Driver with experience as a tour guide, he brings all his experience in the management of logistics, preparation and organization of field missions.

Administrative and accounting assistant / Burkina-Faso

Wend-Yam Ruth Konkobo

She holds a CAP in accounting, a BEP in accounting and business administration, a BAC in G2 and a BAC+3 in Finance and Accounting from the Aube Nouvelle University in Bobo-Dioulasso. She brings her expertise in administrative and accounting management to the BioStar project. She has worked in several structures: stock manager of agricultural inputs at UNPCB, accountant at ECOGEB, commercial agent at Coris Banque and collection agent at LNSP

Project officer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Caroline Bassono

She graduated from the agronomy school of Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, specialized in Plant Science and Productions - Agrosystems Engineering. She brings her expertise in the development of sustainable farming systems, the support of producers in improving their practices, the creation of training materials on production and post-harvest techniques (sesame) and agroecology

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Task officer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Moussa Bingboure

Graduated with a Master 2 in Project Management at Senghor University of Alexandria, and Master 1 in Agricultural and Environmental Economics at Norbert Zongo University, he brings his expertise in the development of agricultural value chains and agro-food, strengthening the technical and organizational capacities of stakeholders in the sectors and also in the analysis of agricultural markets. He also has good experience in the development and coordination of agricultural development and natural resource preservation projects

Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Sandrine Tougri

Agronomist engineer graduated from the Rural Development Institute (IDR) of the Nazi Boni University in Burkina-Faso. She worked at the Institute for the Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA) in Kamboinsé (Ouagadougou) and at Save the Children International. She brings her expertise in supporting producers in the rural world as well as popularizing good agricultural practices within the Wakanda project.

Agricultural Advisor Trainer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Siaka Sanou

Holder of a water and forest engineering diploma from the Rural Development Institute (IDR) of the Nazie Boni University in Burkina Faso, he brings his expertise in supporting producers in the rural world for good agroforestry practices within the project Wakanda

Agricultural Advisor Trainer / Agriculture & Market/ Burkina-Faso

Pawendtaoré Amos Sawadogo

Graduated of the Higher Technician's Certificate in Agriculture from the Polyvalent Agricultural Center of Matourkou in Burkina-Faso, he has experience in the development of agro-forestry development plans and the organization of rural producers into cooperative societies according to OHADA standards. Within the Tiipaalga Association, he ensured the sustainable management of land and forests for the benefit of producers in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Plateau-Central regions, then he provided agricultural technical support in the Center-East region

Family Farm Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Ousmane Nebié

Certified by the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and Hydro-agricultural Development for permanent agricultural surveys and extension in rural areas. Passionate about plant production, he brings his expertise and highlights his experience in supporting producers as well as popularizing good agricultural practices that respect the environment within the PONASI Project

Project manager / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Adeline Dorothée Kando

Socio-anthropologist and committed to gender issues and women's leadership in Burkina Faso, Adeline has joined the team in Burkina Faso since March 2019 and holds the position of Project manager of Shea sector

Agricultural Advisor Trainer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Hermann Mouintuan Coulibaly

Holder of an engineering degree in Agronomy at Ouaga University 1 Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo / Polytechnic Center of Dédougou, he brings his experience in functional analysis of farming systems, animation of agricultural organization, technical crop management (cotton, sesame, maize, rice ...) and training of farmers

Family Farm Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Aouya Zibare

Holder of a general university study diploma (DEUG) in History and archeology from Joseph Ky ZERBO University in Ouagadougou. Passionate about interactions between communities and within communities, he brings his expertise in supporting producers as well as popularizing good agricultural practices that respect the environment within the PONASI Project

Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Alexandre Kabore

Rural development engineer, agronomy option at the Institute of Rural Development (IDR) of the Nazi Boni University (UNB) in Burkina Faso. He worked in the field of production and marketing of various horticultural crops in Burkina Faso. He brings his expertise in the supervision and monitoring of horticultural activities within the WAKANDA project

Family Farm Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Inoussa Tapsoba

Certified by the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and Hydro-agricultural Development for permanent agricultural surveys. Passionate about plant production, he brings his expertise in supporting producers as well as popularizing good agricultural practices that respect the environment within the PONASI Project

Project Officer / Energy / Burkina-Faso

Magloire Sacla Aïde

Design & Mechanical Engineer, specialised in "Energy and industrial technician in mechanical production" from the Ecole Polytechnique of Abomey Calavi (EPAC) in Benin, he brings his expertise in renewable energy including biomass energy recovery and industrial process

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Project Officer / Energy / Burkina-Faso

Romaric Aouake

Holder of an engineering degree in management of mining, oil and energy activities, Romaric joined Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in January 2018 and currently holds the position of Energy Project Manager for the REDD + Project of Mé. He brings his expertise in the improvement of carbonization techniques and the support of local biomass energy recovery and energy efficiency projects.

Project coordinator / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Alassane Dao

Rural Development Design Engineer, from the Rural Development Institute (IDR) of the Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso (UPB); Socio-economics specialty focused on the monitoring and evaluation of development projects and programs. Previously Local Development Advisor within the Integrated Development Company of the Pôle de Croissance de Bagré (Bagrépôle SEM), he is currently in charge of the operational coordination of the Innovative Sector and Inclusive Growth of the Local Economy (FICIEL) project.

Forestry Advisor / Forest & REDD+ / Burkina-Faso

Ardjata Sontie

Rural Development Engineer, Waters and Forests option at the Rural Development Institute of the Nazi Boni University of Bobo, she conducted research on the production and genetic variability of shea at INERA, and on solutions for adaptation to climate change and the contribution of vegetation to the resilience of the population in WASCAL. She brings her expertise in supporting communities on good management practices and protection of community forests

Monitoring and Evaluation task officer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Hawa Fatilata Sanou

Rural Development Engineer, Sociology and Rural Economy option from the Rural Development Institute (IDR) at the Nazi Boni University (Burkina Faso). She brings her expertise in the monitoring and evaluation of the FICIEL project. She worked as a research assistant in monitoring and evaluation in the 2Scale program at IFDC (International Fertilizer Development Center) Burkina Faso. She has skills in project design, analysis of agricultural value chains and capacity building of actors

Market analyst / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Abdou Rahim Ouedraogo

Graduated with a Master 2 in economic expertise in development policies and projects from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, a Master 2 in innovation and development in rural areas from the University of Ouaga I, and a master's degree in agricultural, natural resources and environmental economics from Thomas Sankara University. He is a teacher in agricultural policy and a facilitator of digital agricultural innovation at MARAH as part of the AcceSS project with CIRAD. He has skills in agricultural market analysis and market information systems, analysis of agricultural value chains, agricultural insurance, warrantage, and access to agricultural financing

Communication manager / Burkina-Faso

Wanhir Roland Some

He holds a bachelor's degree in information and communication sciences from the University of Ouagadougou, and is currently doing a master's degree in Gender, Population and Development at the Pan-African Institute for Development. He worked as a journalist at Agribusiness TV, then as Publication Director at Faso TV, a Burkinabè web TV. He also worked as communications and multimedia manager for the Yam-Pukri association and joined the team in 2023. He brought his skills to the WAKANDA project, the BE-IN project and is currently working on the plan and strategy of communication of the TERROIR project

Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Jacques Bagré

Graduated with a Technical Agricultural Agent Certificate from the Matourkou Polyvalent Center (Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso), he worked in agroecological production, horticulture with the APAD Sanguié de Réo association, then held the position of manager of the Sapone agroecological farm. Within the NGO Anges Gardiens de la Nature, he was an intern on horticulture and then was recruited as a technical assistant for the PONASI project in horticulture and cassava production.

Administrative and Financial Manager / Burkina-Faso

Adama Kaboré

He holds a professional master's degree in accounting and audit control and worked with Burkina Moto, a commercial company before joining the world of NGOs since 2005. He successively held the position of RAF at the NGO Enfants et Développement, then Head of Support Services at Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International) and finally RAF at Expertise France on behalf of the RENFORCES program and the 3 borders project.

Administrative and Financial Manager / Côte d'Ivoire

Alimata Lorn-Konaté

Holder of a Master 2 in Finance, Alimata worked for seven years for the NGO Search for Common Ground before joining Nitidæ in January 2017. She currently holds the position of Administrative and Financial Manager of our representation in Côte d'Ivoire

Project Accounting Administrator / Côte d'Ivoire

Fatima Anne Andrée Loum

Holder of a Master's degree in Audit and Management Control from the Private University Faculties of Abidjan (FUPA), she joined the team in October 2021 as an accounting assistant for the Agrovalor project before joining the Shea Gets Greener team until in 2023. Based in Abidjan, she now serves as Project Accounting Administrator on the PSE-Enabel project.

Driver / Côte d'Ivoire

Dohomin Alain Yéo

Recruited for the Agrovalor project, he then joined the Shea Gets Greener team until 2023. He is now based in Dabakala where he works as a courier driver for the PapBio2 project.

Project manager / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Julia Artigas Sancho

Process engineer and holder of a European MsC in Renewable energies, she works on energy-related issues in African industry, since 2016. Process optimization and agri-waste-to-energy systems are her main expertise areas: appropriate technologies, training on operation and maintenance, biofuels…

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Driver and Logistician / Côte d'Ivoire

Youssoufou Soumahoro

Based in Abidjan, Youssouf holds the position of driver of the REDD + Project of the Mé and of the fleet manager of Nitidæ Ivory Coast

Technical coordinator / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Odilon Chambers

As a geographer, specializing in rural development, he has been based in West Africa since 2016. First stationed in Mali on behalf of Luxembourg cooperation, he then joined the team in 2021. Hands-on man, he coordinates agricultural activities in the north of Côte d'Ivoire around cashew-food production systems, forest resources (shea), product labeling as well as environmental conservation around the Comoé National Park. It is also involved in specific studies on value-chain, traceability and marketing

ICT Business Developer and Manager of the N'kalô development / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Serge Kedja

Engineer in Advanced Information Systems (University of Bejaia, Algeria), MSc in Information Technologies (University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom) and Alumni Chevening, he specializes in design, development, management and the capitalization of digital solutions for agriculture in Africa.

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Associate Expert / Côte d'Ivoire

Soungari Sekongo

Engineer in Tropical Agronomy from the CIED, option "plant production", he brings his expertise in agricultural markets analysis, advising-supporting actors, vegetable production and supporting professional agricultural organizations (management, capacity building)

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Rural Development Advisor / Côte d'Ivoire

Nanga Léon Ouattara

Holder of a University Diploma of Technology in agro-pastoral management, Nanga first developed the family farm before working as an agricultural supervisor for market garden producer associations in Sinfra. He joined Nitidae in 2017 with the Mé REDD+ project, then was mobilized in Dabakala as a facilitator on the PapBio Comoé project from 2020 to 2023, and now continues his animation work on the Mooshew project.

Field team leader / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Dihe Paris Toman

Senior Technician in Farm Management, Paris held various positions (Livestock Facilitator with GTZ, Trainer and Food Security with Action Against Hunger, etc.) before joining the team of the REDD + Project of the Mé in January 2017 as an Agricultural Trainer Adviser.

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Rural Development Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Nancy-Scarlet Monena Bla

Graduated with a Higher Technician Certificate in Tropical Agriculture, a certificate of completion of the cashew nut master training program. It stands out in the organization, advice, training, support and monitoring of the agricultural world. Based in Dabakala, she joined Nitidae in 2020 as a facilitator on the PapBio Comoé project and now continues her animation work on the PapBio 2 project.

Rural Development Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Kevin Yavo Boni

Graduated with a master's degree in Business Management and Agropastoral Organizations; a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Agropastoral Management from the Institute of Agro-Pastoral Management at the University of Korhogo (Ivory Coast). He brought his expertise as a Technician, Advisor, Trainer in various agricultural structures. Based in Dabakala, he joined Nitidae in 2020 as an animator on the PapBio Comoé project and now continues his animation work on the PapBio 2 project.

Rural Development Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Djédou Jean-Jacques Tano

Graduated with a higher technician certificate in tropical agriculture and cooperation from the National Institute of Agricultural Professional Training of Ivory Coast and a degree in Food Science and Technology from Nangui-Abrogoua University in Abidjan, he brought his expertise as an agronomist technician for sustainable cocoa farming and as a supervisor-coach to cashew and market gardening groups. Based in Dabakala, he joined Nitidae in 2020 as an animator on the PapBio Comoé project and now continues his animation work on the PapBio 2 project.

Agroclimatic modelling Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Ulrich Allé

PhD in hydrology from the University Abomey-Calavi (Benin), with experience in agroclimatic modeling and the creation of community areas of biodiversity conservation, he brings his expertise in agroclimatology in the framework of the development of a crop forecasting model applied to cashew trees in Ivory Coast

Rural Development Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Hartmann Emmanuel Monda

Holder of a Higher Technician Certificate with an option in Agricultural Operations Management, Hartmann had various field experiences in different agricultural structures before joining Nitidæ in 2018 with the ME's REDD+ project. He was then mobilized to Dabakala as a facilitator on the PapBio Comoé project from 2020 to 2023, and now continues his animation work on the PapBio2 project.

ICT Project officer / Côte d'Ivoire

Joseph M’Bahia

Holder of a License in Computer Science - Software Engineering, Joseph is based in Abidjan where he holds the position of ICT Project officer. He brings his expertise in data collection, in the management of N'KALÔ databases and other communication platforms of the association.

Agricultural Markets Analyst / Côte d'Ivoire

Constance Konan

A graduate in international business, Constance held several positions in agribusiness (UNIVELER, SITA-SA, etc.) before joining Nitidæ where she brings her knowledge of Ivorian value chains and her experience in market analysis, notably on the cereals market. She also coordinates a project linking family farming with retailers

Agricultural Trainer Adviser / Côte d'Ivoire

Adjo Clarisse Kouakou

Holds a Master 2 in Economic Development Administration and a Master's degree in Economic Sciences and Development option Public Economics obtained at Alassane Ouattara University. She is currently working in Côte d'Ivoire on the agricultural component of the REDD + Project of the Mé as an Agricultural Trainer Advisor. It mainly brings its expertise at the level of beneficiary management to the establishment of cropping systems to increase value added per hectare

Agricultural Trainer Adviser / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Kouadio Ange François Konan

Holder of a BTS in Tropical Agriculture and Plant Production, Ange held various positions of agricultural adviser and technician (Nestlé R & D) before joining Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in April 2018. He brings his expertise in the production of organic cocoa and in the frame of the producers of the REDD + Project of the Mé and CERTIBIO

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Project Manager for Territorial Planning and Monitoring-Evaluation / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Oum Koulthoum Abdou

An agronomist engineer by training (INPHB of Yamoussoukro), she joined Nitidae in 2020 for a position as coordinator of the Labelivoire project, a project which set up an organic SPG label (participatory guarantee system) on fresh products for local consumption (market gardener and food grower). The project ends in 2023. She currently holds the position of Territorial Planning (AT) and Monitoring-Evaluation (SE) project manager on a payment for environmental service project on Cocoa (2023-2026).

Project Component Manager / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Rolande Kouassi Ettien

A botanist by training, Rolande holds a Master 2 in Plant Systematics, Ecology and Biodiversity. She joined the Nitidae team in 2018 and mainly brings her expertise in the areas of agroforestry (SAF cocoa trees, floristic inventories, ecosystem services, etc.), organic agriculture and fair trade (cocoa certification reference EOS, FFL label, documentary review and audit). After holding the position of Agro-Botanist within the Mé REDD+ Project, she is now in charge of coordinating the activities carried out by Nitidæ within the Cocoa4Future and Terri4Sol projects.

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Project Coordinator / Côte d'Ivoire

Denis Koffi Méa

Holder of a Master 2 in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Méa joined Nitidæ in December 2016 to supervise land planning activities (development of local development plans) and land security on the Méa's REDD+ Project . He then led the PapBio Comoé project from 2020 to 2023, and now continues his coordination work from the Dabakala office in the Comoé zone on Phase II, via the Mooshew and PapBio2 projects.

Monitoring-evaluator / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Jean Saturnin Dio

Graduated with a Master's degree in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, he is pursuing a thesis at Félix Houphouët Boigny University. He took his first steps as a research assistant in the Cartography and GIS Directorate of the Ministry of Planning and Development of Côte d'Ivoire. Subsequently, he worked for Nitidæ on land use, carbon stocks, development plans, then for the National Forest and Wildlife Inventory project before joining the team as a follow-up. evaluator on the PapBio Comoé project from 2020 to 2023. He now supervises monitoring and evaluation in the Comoé area on Phase II via the Mooshew and PapBio2 projects.

Process-energy technical manager / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Abel Dègnimon Sogbegnon

Holder of a Master's degree in energy and electrical engineering (2IE, Ouagadougou) and a Master's degree in Science and technology with a physics option (UAC, Benin). Abel joined the Nitidae team in 2020 on the Agrovalor project and subsequently worked on the Shea gets greener project. He has expertise in agri-food production processes, drying technologies and energy recovery from waste (biomass) thermally (Gasification/Pyrolysis) in West Africa. It works in close partnership with local workshops and entrepreneurs in a skills transfer approach.

Head of Agrovalor Project / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Jules-Dorgeles Gomeu

Holder of an engineering degree in management of mining, oil and energy activities, he brings his expertise in the coordination, implementation and monitoring of project activities implemented by Nitidae in the shea processing sectors, cassava and cashew nuts, with particular expertise in supporting cooperatives and agri-food industrial units. With significant experience in managing projects on the processing of cassava, shea and cashew nuts financed by national and international institutions such as FIRCA, USAID and AFD, the Rho Alpes Region, he enjoys an ability to effectively coordinate teams, manage administrative and financial aspects, as well as cultivate fruitful relationships with partners and stakeholders. His solid academic background in engineering and project management complements his profile, allowing him to approach complex challenges with a holistic and strategic approach."

Local technician/ Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Bakary Tanko Soro

He holds a boilermaking technician diploma. He worked at Sitab as well as Agefop. In June 2019, he joined the Agrovalor Project as an intern. In February 2020, he was hired as a Local Technician on the Agrovalor project before joining the Shea Gets Greener project team. He is now based in Yamoussoukro in the Energy division.

Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Virginie Vergnes

She holds a Master's degree in Science and Anthropology (Primatology) from the University of Montreal and has a background in environmental sciences. She has been working for several years in Africa (Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Cameroon) on the themes of ecological monitoring, surveillance and forest governance, FLEGT, institutional, civil society and community capacity building, as well as on compensation measures in the context of mining extractions. She brings its expertise in particular to the support of sustainable and private forestry, forest governance and support to the management of protected areas

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Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Onkado Valentin Gonto

Holder of a higher technician's certificate in Mining, Petroleum Geology, he has held various positions including: agricultural advisor on the SAME program with ACF France for the agricultural revival of rehabilitation and good agricultural practices (horticulture and lowland rice), the creation and integrated management of rubber plantations with FIRCA, supervisor and coordinator of savings and credit groups, water quality assistant at Oxfam GB and stock management and food distribution at Care International

Agricultural trainer advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Tieba Awebouna Coulibaly

Graduated with a professional license in economics and agro-pastoral management obtained from Peleforo Gon University in Korhogo. He has expertise in agricultural project management, feasibility study, research support, agricultural advice, local development support. He is a member of the working group of the ECOTER project and of the DISSA in the Béré region

Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Cédric Goore

Registered in Master of Agroecology, he holds a license in Agroecology from the Eudist Technological University Institute of Africa (IUTEA) and a Certificate of Higher Agricultural Technician obtained at the Regional School of Agronomy of the South of bingerville. He worked for 7 years at ECOM Cote d'Ivoire and Syngenta Cote d'Ivoire in the context of audit and certification project management in cocoa sustainability. Since 2022 he has joined Nitidae as an Agricultural Trainer Advisor on the PRM2 project.

Territorial Planning and Monitoring-Evaluation Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Jean Stanislas Niamien Kouadio

Holder of an engineering degree in agronomic techniques, agroforestry option and specialist in organic certifications, he joined the Côte d'Ivoire team in May 2022 as technical manager for certifications and support to the shea farmers' organizations of the "Shea Gets Greener" project. He is based in Adzopé.

Driver / Côte d'Ivoire

Eugène Nzebo

He was a driver for the ONF-CI as part of the National Forestry and Animal Inventory, then an ambulance driver for the national police provident fund, he joined the PRM2 team in Adzope

Agricultural advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Justin Kambiré Beh

Graduated with a Master's degree in "Ecology and Sustainable Management of Ecosystems", he brings his expertise in forestry, agroforestry, systematics and in agricultural advice and techniques. He has worked as a technician and trainer for producers on good agricultural practices in Soubré for GRIEPE, with Icraf as a botanist consultant and on the Payment for Environmental Services (PES) model for Cargill

Agricultural Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Fofana Zakaria

Graduated with a Professional License in Economics and Agropastoral Management and a Professional Master in Management of Agropastoral Companies and Organizations from the Institute of Agropastoral Management of the Péléforo Gon Coulibaly University of Korhogo, he brings his expertise to the COCOA4FUTURE project, as agricultural adviser and OPA management

Rural Development Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Naminata Felemou

With a degree in Business Law from the Free University of Guinea, she worked at AAK/Côte d'Ivoire for 18 months as a Field Facilitator on the Kolo Nafaso project. She joined Nitidae in February 2022 as a facilitator/trainer on the Shea Gets Greener project, before joining the Dabakala team where she serves as a facilitator on the Mooshew project.

Agricultural trainer advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Paul Martin Kouakou

Holder of a higher technician's certificate in farm management, he worked for 7 years at ECOM Côte d'Ivoire as head of agricultural and environmental programs within the framework of cocoa certification and sustainability projects

Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Camara Tiemoko

He holds a BTS in agriculture, crop production option. His first work focused on estimating the yield of cassava production under the state PUAPV program in 2017. He then worked at ICRAF (International Center for Agroforestry Research) as agricultural technician from 2018 to 2020, then as assistant botanist on the Forest4Future project for GIZ

Task Officer / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Jacques Anzian Bilé

Currently in Master 2 research in physical geography and hie environment option physical geography and geomatics, he also has a higher technician diploma in IT option Computer Network and Communication. He has been assistant cartographer then land planning assistant on the F4F (Forest For Future) project

Accounting assistant / Côte d'Ivoire

Elvira Dje Lou

Based in Abidjan, she holds a BTS in Finance Accounting and Business Management from the private University IVESTP

Training advisor / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Aimé Magatou

He holds a higher technician certificate in Tropical Agriculture, Plant Production Option obtained from INPRAT. He was a trainee technician at COOPCA KF on the Equity 2 program led by AVSF in the Koun-fao Department, senior technician at the PHYTO+ Agricultural Service Center as well as inspector and coach of a Cargill plantation

Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Zoé Galliath

Agricultural engineer graduated from VetAgro Sup Clermont Ferrand (specialty: Engineering and eco-territorial development strategy). Since 2018 she has worked in Côte d'Ivoire in the recycling of plastic waste before joining the team in 2024 to coordinate development projects around the Mabi Yaya reserve

Project Accounting Administrator / Côte d’Ivoire

Leticia Konan

Holder of a Master's degree in Accounting and Financial Management from the African Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CESAG) in Dakar, she began her career as an accounting secretary in a French international NGO in 2013 and then in several other sectors of activity. (banking, agri-food, law firm) before joining the team in April 2024. She supervises the management of the administrative and accounting activities of the Dabakala office via the Mooshew and PapBio2 projects.

PES project manager / Agriculture & Market/ Côte d'Ivoire

Bertrand Konan

Holder of a master's degree in Geography obtained at the Institute of Tropical Geography (IGT), he began his career in 2011 in humanitarian work then in the Cocoa sector from 2015. Since June 2024, he has joined Nitidae as a as Project Manager on the PSENABEL project.

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Driver / Côte d'Ivoire

Seydou Ouattara

Recruited in 2020 on the PapBio Comoé project then reappointed to the Mooshew project, he is based in Dabakala as a courier driver.

Driver and courier / Côte d'Ivoire

Elvis Adama Amani Kouadio

Driver and courier, he just joined the Nitidæ team in Côte d'Ivoire on the MOOSHEW project and is based in Dabakala

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Driver / Mozambique

Joao Raul Intata

Joao joined the team in October 2014 as driver of the REDD + pilot project then Mozbio, then ACAMOZ in Gilé

Driver / Mozambique

Bonifacio Armando Sousa

Bonifacio joined the team in January 2017 as Driver of the Mozbio project and then ACAMOZ in Gilé

Administrative and financial manager / Mozambique

Palmira Marinho Gravata Vitória

Graduated in economics and education from the Pedagogical University of Mozambique, with 7 years of experience as an administrative assistant, since 2019 she has been responsible for administration, finance, human resources management and relations public.

Agro & research manager / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Samuel Mitais

An agricultural engineer graduated from ENSAIA, he specialized in agricultural development in the South at the Institut des Régions Chaudes au Sud in Montpellier Supagro. Its areas of expertise are the understanding of agrarian dynamics, the socio-economic aspects and the techniques of production systems and more particularly on agroforestry. He has worked since 2021 as a technical assistant on the ACAMOZ project in Mozambique. Since 2024, he has been responsible for agronomy and research on the second phase of the ACAMOZ project, around the Gilé National Park

Project manager / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Charline de Rouvroy

Holder of a Master degree in agricultural management and territories (IAM Montpellier) and agricultural engineer, Charline joined Nitidæ team in May 2018. She brings her expertise in project management, agriculture in southern countries…

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M&E assistant / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Pedro João Suca

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in agriculture, he joined the team in February 2020 as an agricultural technician in the ACAMOZ project in the community of Malema (Pebane). Since January 2024, he has been the new M&E assistant for the ACAMOZ 2 project, for activities around the Gilé National Park.

Project Coordinator and M&E Assistant / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Filimonio Felizardo Jonasse

Filimonio is a graduate technician from the Agronomic Professional Institue of Gurué (Zambézie). A native of Mount Namuli, he has been working for the conservation of the mountain since 2018. In particular, he has worked to secure the land rights of local communities, during a land demarcation program between 2020 and 2022. Since January 2024 he has been the new coordinator and Monitoring and Evaluation assistant for the Namuli project

Technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Luís Tomé dos Santos

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in agriculture, he joined the team in October 2020, he started working as an agricultural technician in the ACAMOZ project in the community of Nicadine (Pebane). Since January 2024, he is still working as an agricultural technician in another region (Nanhope, Gilé) on the ACAMOZ 2 project.

Agricultural technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Dias Antovano

He is graduated in agronomy (specializing in plant health) from Cuba's "Angel Galanena" Polytechnic Institute of Agronomy in 1988. Before working for development projects on the link between agriculture and environmental conservation, he accumulated experience in the private sector, notably in the tea (production and processing), vegetable and cereal sectors, in Mozambique and abroad. He has been involved in the Mount Namuli conservation effort since 2016, working on a wide range of issues including securing land rights, coordinating community land management and development plans, and agricultural development

Coordinator / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Avelino Armaldo Mavunja

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in Agriculture & value chain in Maputo, Avelino worked for nearly 9 years in the promotion of the cotton sector in Mozambique, then specialized in the marketing of agricultural products such as corn, soya, peas, milk before joining the team in March 2019. He worked as team manager in the MOZBIO and ACAMOZ projects until the end of 2023. Since 2024 he is the new coordinator of project on the cashew component, around the Gilé National Park in Zambezia, of the ACAMOZ 2 project.

Technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Garrido da Silva Sulvai

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in agriculture, Garrido joined the team in October 2017 as an agricultural technician for the MOZBIO and ACAMOZ project in the community of Namurrua (Gilé). Since January 2024, he is still working as an agricultural technician in another region (Etaga, Pebane) on the ACAMOZ 2 project.

Technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Jonito Joaquim Talca

He is a graduate of the Agronomic Professional Institute of Gurué, in Zambézie, Mozambique. Before joining the Nitidæ team, he worked in market garden and beekeeping production, in agro-ecology projects, and for the reforestation of degraded areas in Mozambique. Since September 2020 he has been working as a technician on the Namuli team, providing technical assistance to agricultural producers and beekeepers in the mountains

Administrative Assistant / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Fáusia Higino José

A graduate of the Agronomic Professional Institute of Gurué, Zambézia, Mozambique, she joined the Namuli Project team in October 2020. After working for three years as a field technician, she is now our new administrative assistant.

Technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Aurélio Ratibo Brito

An agricultural engineer, he is a graduate of the Zambézie Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Before joining the team, he worked in agricultural trade, as well as on land delimitation and natural resource management projects. Aurelio joined Nitidæ in January 2021, and has since been working on a wide range of issues including securing land rights, coordinating community land management and development plans, and agricultural development

Technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Quinito Jerónimo

he is a graduate of Agronomic Professional Institute of Gurué, in Zambézie, Mozambique. Before joining the Nitidæ team, he worked for the Serviço de Vulgarização Agronomico de Gurué, for the Agrivalor company, for the Inovagro (Inovação Agronómica) program, for the UMOJA program and then for Codosa. He has also been a theater enthusiast for over 20 years, and has even taken part in Mozambique's National Culture Festival! He joined the Nitidæ team in October 2020 and has hard to secure land rights for Namuli communities between 2020 and 2022. Now trained in beekeeping, he provides technical assistance to agricultural producers and beekeepers in the mountains.

Technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Manuel Polana Lopes

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in agriculture, he joined the team in December 2016 as an agricultural technician for the MOZBIO then ACAMOZ project in the community of Mulela (Pebane). Since January 2024, he is still working as an agricultural technician on the ACAMOZ 2 project.

Agronomist & Research Assistant / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Dinis Francisco Augusto

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in agriculture, he joined the team in January 2017 as an agricultural technician for the Mozbio project in the community of Musseia, Pebane district. In January 2019, he worked as an agricultural technician in the ACAMOZ project in the community of Naburi (Pebane). And since January 2024, thanks to his expertise, he has become an agronomist and research assistant on the ACAMOZ 2 project, around the Gilé National Park.

Project manager / Agriculture & market / Mozambique

Margaux Béringuier

Agricultural Engineer graduated from the “Institut des Régions Chaudes” from Montpellier Supagro School, specialized in the management of agricultural resources and rural development in the South, Margaux joined the Nitidæ Mozambique team in January 2019, bringing her field expertise to the diagnosis of agricultural dynamics and to the definition and implementation of support measures for producers in our Nitidæ intervention zones in Mozambique. Today, she manages the NAMULI project and the second component of the ACAMOZ II project in the macadamia sector

Environmental and Spatial Analyst / Forest & REDD+ / Mozambique

Sá Nogueira Lisboa

Earned a BSc in Forestry and an MSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Tropical Ecosystems at Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. His main research interest is forest dynamic, emphasizing ecological and human processes, trade-offs among ecosystem services and biodiversity. He has over five years of experience working with rural communities, NGOs, national governments, and international agencies. He brings his expertise in landscape-scale spatial modeling using innovative tools to address challenges related to land use change and environmental impacts.

Technician / Agriculture & market / Mozambique

Aurélio Gerente Porta

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in agriculture, former technician on the MOZBIO project (2017-2019), he joined the team once again in May 2021 as an agricultural technician in the ACAMOZ 1 & 2 project in the community of Moneia (Gilé).

GIS and IT development manager / Forest & REDD+ / Mozambique

Manuel Uiliamo

Holder of a master's degree in Control and Automation Engineering from the University of Sidi Bell Abbes - Algeria with strong skills in global IT. His training allowed him to acquire an excellent knowledge of a variety of programming languages and the basics of industrial electricity. He is also a motivational content creator with basic knowledge in audiovisual editing. On the LUCCIA project in Mozambique he was able to provide his expertise in computer programming and spatial analysis. Since January 2024, he has been working on the ACAMOZ 2 project as GIS and IT Development manager.

Agricultural technician / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Herminio Estefen Duque

Holder of a Technical University Diploma in agriculture, he joined the team in May 2022. He worked as an agricultural technician in the ACAMOZ project in the community of Mamala (Gile). Since January 2024, he is still working as an agricultural technician in another region (Tomeia, Naburi) on the ACAMOZ 2 project.

Administrative assistant / Mozambique

Elcídio Sitoe

He has an intermediate degree in accounting and 3 years of experience as a human resources assistant, where he dealt with salaries, taxes, business creation, hiring foreign labor, payments and the classification

Administrative assistant / Mozambique

Euridice Timoteo Nhantumbo

She has a master's degree in business management as well as a diploma in computer engineering. She worked for around 7 years as an administrative assistant, with 10 months of experience in an NGO. She joined the team in 2024 and is based in Maputo.

Gender specialist / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Tania Ricardo Muhave

She holds a bachelor's degree in agricultural engineering, a master's degree in rural development and management studies. Her main topic is gender mainstreaming in agricultural development, with a focus on women's empowerment, sustainable agricultural practices and community-based approaches to address challenges related to gender inequality in rural areas. She has over five years of experience working with rural communities.

Agricultural Technical Assistant / Agriculture & Market / Mozambique

Aniceto Buck

A graduate in Agricultural Sciences with over eight years' experience in the sector, he has worked on crop management, soil improvement and community engagement projects. He is passionate about natural resource management and socio-environmental safeguarding and has extensive experience in sustainable agriculture and climate change resilient practices. He also has skills in data management contributing to initiatives on sustainable agricultural development in Mozambique

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Accounting and Logistics Assistant / Madagascar

Miora Jessica Jacob

Graduated in tourism in 2010, intern in Administration at Rio Tinto between 2013 and 2014, then hired at WARTSILA as Administrative Assistant from 2015 to 2018. She joined the team as RAF by interim in October 2019 then recruited as Assistant accountant and Logistician since February 1, 2020.

Administration-Finance Manager / Madagascar

Jocelyne Rasolonirina

Holder of a Master's degree in Management, Finance and Accounting option from University of Toliara, Jocelyne has ten years of experience as Administrative and Financial Assistant, acquired mainly from CARE International in the Anosy region. Jocelyne brings her rigor and practical sense to Project TALAKY.

Administrative and Financial Manager / Madagascar

Léa Rakotoson

Graduate of a Master in Management from Tamatave University, she has 20 years of experience in administrative, accounting and financial management as a specialist in business management (management control, budget monitoring, fiscal and social dashboard). , ...) but also in accounting, financial and organizational auditing

Accountant / Madagascar

Navoko Miaritsoa Randrianarijaona

Holder of a Master II in Market and Banking Finance and a Masters in Management Audit and Control option from the Faculty of Economics, Management and Sociology of the University of Antananarivo, she worked from 2014 to 2015 as a collaborator accountant within the accounting outsourcing firm TOP-EC, and from 2016 to 2018 as an accounting assistant in the company JAEL APICULTURE. She joined the team in April 2019 as an accountant-logistician and since 2020 she has brought her expertise in the accounting, logistics, administrative and financial fields to the MADANACA project

GIS, Remote Sensing and Carbon Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Fety Abel Rakotomalala

Currently a PhD student, he holds a DEA of Physics, specialised in "geophysics, remote sensing and GIS" from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo in Madagascar (IOGA). He brings his expertise to the impacts of deforestation, above-ground biomass mapping and scenario development of carbon emissions

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Responsible / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Jacques Jacques

A lawyer by training, he has more than 20 years of career as manager of development support and environmental education within Madagascar National Parks (Ankarana National Park). He joined the MADACANA du Nord team as head of Natural Resource Management Transfer to harmonize the purpose of the expected objectives with the expectations of partner peasant associations

Forest project manager / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Anicet Hermann

He holds a Master's degree in environmental sciences from ISSEDD (ex-GREEN) in Toamasina Barika University 5, year 2015. He joined the team in November 2018 on the Talaky project in Fort-Dauphin. His experience in ecology, sociology and sustainable development allows him to carry out his duties as Forest-Co-management Technician. Since October 2020, he has been in charge of the forestry, social and organization mission in MADANACA in the North of Madagascar

Project officer / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Jean-Marie Vianney Sibomana

A forestry graduate of the Agricultural and Forestry School of Nyamishaba (Rwanda) and holder of a certificate specialized in logging and wood processing in Madagascar, Jean-Marie brings his expertise for the design of forest plantation installation, the development-monitoring forest management plans and measuring social and environmental impacts

Monitoring and evaluation manager / Forest & REDD + / Madagascar

Tojonirina Nambinina Randriarisoa

Holder of a Master 2 in Rural Land and Land Management, of the Polytechnic School of Antananarivo and a master's degree in Mathematics Computer Science, from the Faculty of Sciences Fianarantsoa, he brings all his expertise on the Land Management activities and also supports local authorities in the implementation of local planning schemes

Project coordinator / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Christian Olivier Mahefa

Holder of a Specialized Higher Studies Diploma in Natural Resources Management and Environment (Option: Conservation Manager) and a Masters in Management Sciences, he has 20 years of experience in the management of Protected Areas (marine and terrestrial). He has held various positions providing him with solid experience in the field of administrative and financial management, budget and human resources management, advocacy, development of public or private partnerships and rural development

Project manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Eddie Rakotondrasoa

Holder of a specialized higher education diploma in environmental sciences from the Faculty of Sciences (University of Antananarivo), he brings his expertise in the field of conservation and management of projects financed by the AFD or the European Union. His skills are currently exercised in the Beampingaratsy forest corridor, a forest in the southern part of Madagascar, currently being converted into a New Protected Area as part of the Beampingaratsy National Protected Area project

Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Ny Avy Andriamisaina

Forestry engineer, specialized on "Ecosystem and Biodiversity" and graduated from ESSA (Madagascar), she joined the team with her skills in biodiversity conservation, forest management and natural resources management. With her experience in assessing threats to protected areas, TNRM (Transfer of Natural Resources Management) and community support in conservation, she contributes to the implementation of different projects.

Project manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Ibrahim Figuelia

Graduated with a Master 2 in agro-management, he holds also a Master 1 in agricultural entomology and management of useful and harmful insects and a License in agro-management and environment. He is certified as an assistant master trainer in FBS (Farmer Business School) in Africa. In the Anosy region, he works on afforestation/reforestation

Coaching Trainer in Agricultural Entrepreneurship School / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Laha Managnasy Razafindravala

Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Economic and Social Administration and a Master's degree in Decisional Management from EMIT / University of Fianarantsoa. It works to strengthen the entrepreneurial and technical skills of cashew producers and provides support towards change allowing them to acquire more financial autonomy and food security for their families

Trainer in Farmer Business School / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Blaise Michelson Razafindrazanaparany

He has a master's degree in Food Biochemistry and Natural Resource Valorization and was an intern in monitoring-evaluation and investigator of the Jardin du monde on training in the use of medicinal plants

Activity manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Jean Michel Nangalana

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, option basic scientific and technical knowledge and networks and systems and is currently training remotely in communication at the National Center for Tele-education in Madagascar. He has worked since 2011 in community relations and socio-organisational, as a trainer and facilitator

Activity manager / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Manahira Normand Andriamananarivo

He holds a degree in management, business organization option, and has more than 16 years of experience in the field of rural development

Accounting Assistant / Madagascar

Lalaohariniaina Razafindrasata

He holds a degree in accounting and finance management from the National Center for Tele-education in Madagascar. He has 15 years of experience in various projects as an administrative, financial and logistics assistant. He joined the team to bring his rigor and practicality to the TALAKY project

Environmental Education Facilitator / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Razafindralaha Rower Belaza

Multi-skilled technician specialized in all development sectors. He joined the team in January 2019. He has held various positions, including land use planning technician, territorial mediator and facilitator, then environmental education technician

Administrative assistant / Madagascar

Jeanne Melissa Raharinosy

She holds a degree in Management, finance and accounting option from the Technical Training Institute (IFT). She has more than 5 years of experience at the Henri et Alain de Haulme (HAH) group as an accounting and human resources assistant

Technical Manager in Natural Resource Management / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Thierry Rafanohizantsoa

He holds a DEA in Biodiversity and Environment from the University of Toliara, which involved research on the conservation status of a dozen endemic, rare and threatened plant species in the Mandrare valley in the south of Madagascar. He was a student at the ValBio Center at Stony Brook University, then head of the Honko-Reef Doctor project in the Ambondrolava mangrove. He was also project manager for social protection for the Madagascar Development Intervention Fund (FID)

Technical Manager in Biodiversity and Protected Areas / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Fabien Zikisà Benedicte

He holds a Master's degree in Zoology and Animal Biodiversity from the University of Antananarivo (Madagascar) obtained in 2017. Between 2018 and 2020, he was a research assistant for several Protected Areas. Then from 2021 to 2022, he was chief of operations in charge of conservation activities at the level of the Kirindy Mite National Park and the Andranomena Special Reserve

Ecological monitoring assistant / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Tinarinoro Patricia Randriamialisoa

Forestry technician trained at the National Training Center for Forestry Technicians in Angavokely organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. This training allowed her to improve her skills in terms of ecological monitoring

Database manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Manda Fifaliana Rafalimanana

Holder of a Master 2 in land security and territorial planning from the Ecole Supérieur Polytechnique d'Antananarivo, he also completed a scientific career, Master I in applied mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo. He joined the team by contributing to the implementation of land planning activities. He brings his expertise in the management of the cashew sector database as well as the monitoring and evaluation of Madanaca project activities

Project assistant / Madagascar

Andriatiana Jemima Olivia

She holds a Master's degree in Business Management and Administration from the private university of Antananarivo, then she was in charge of the Miary PIC2 program in Fort-Dauphin before joining the team

Ecological monitoring assistant / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Alberto Mahatiritse Ramarolahy

He holds a master's degree in Geography from the University of Toliara and has more than 8 years of experience in the field of Natural Resources and Risk Management. Within the team, he was a forestry technician before becoming an ecological monitoring assistant

Environmental education technician/ Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Arnet Lambo

Graduated in Law from the University of Fianarantsoa in Madagascar, he first worked in the field of child and maternal health in the Androy and Anosy regions. In 2015, he joined the team of the NGO Seed Madagascar on Health, Population and Environment, in the Fort-Dauphin district. In 2019, he joined the team as a territorial planning technician for the TALAKY project then as an environmental education technician for the BNPA project

Activity manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Zikô Razafimahatratra

He holds a degree in agronomy, agriculture course from the Higher Institute of Technology of the University of Tuléar. He has 5 years of experience in the field of development, land use planning and agriculture. He joined the team in 2019

Agricultural technician / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Selido Ravelopisaorana

He is a technician specializing in cash crops, trained by the FITARIK'ANDRO school then he continued his studies at the University in the National Center for Distance Education of Madagascar in Fort-Dauphin

Activity manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Monja Zafimandimbisoa Noelson Christian Behenja

He graduated with a master's degree in natural sciences with a plant biology option from the faculty of science at the University of Toliara in Madagascar. Between 2019 and 2023, he worked on the dissemination of innovative agro-ecological techniques and seed production with the NGO Center Technique Agro-ecologique du Sud as part of the Afafi Sud project led by GRET. He then joined the team on the Fanarenana reforestation component of the RTNS project

Value chain and gender technical assistant / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Michelle Robertha Razafindramarakoma

She holds a degree in environmental science with an option in management and conservation of the natural environment. She worked in forest management at Asity (Bird Protection League) in Fort Dauphin in 2016 and then was hired on the Talaky project in 2020 as a value chain, territory and gender technician

Natural Resources Technician / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

William Werner Mampandry

He holds a degree in geography obtained in 2012 from the University of Toliara. For 2 years he was a technician in natural resources management of the New Protected Area of Tsitongabarika for Asity (Bird Protection League), then a technician in agroforestry and beekeeping for the NGO SEED Madagascar between 2014 and 2016. He then joined the team as forestry technician, co-management and management of natural resources.

Natural Resources Technician / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Loubien Octave Miharisoa

He holds a bachelor's degree. He has several experiences as regional facilitator of the Madagascar Pact, technical facilitator of the PHBM or even investigator in public hearings of Rio Tinto Madagascar Minerals. He also worked for WWF as a field officer on the PHCF1 project. He then joined the team as a technician in land planning, forestry, co-management and management of natural resources for the conservation of the New Protected Area of Beampingaratsy.

Forestry Technician / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Alexis Mara

He holds a Bachelor's degree in animal biology from the University of Tuléar and has 34 years of experience including 20 years in biodiversity (fauna and flora) and 14 years in the field of rural agricultural development.

Agriculture Technical Manager / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Guy Manu Arihery

He has an engineering degree in agriculture from the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques (ESSA). He worked within the NGO CTAS before joining the team in May 2024. He brings his expertise in the field of agro-ecology and landscape management as part of the Talaky Be project.

Responsible for the Landscape and Forest Restoration component / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Miarintsoa Rakotondrabe

Forest engineer graduated from the Higher School of Agronomic Sciences - Department: Water and Forests - University of Antananarivo (Madagascar) and graduated with a Master 2 in Development, Environment and Society within the Faculty of Economic, Social, Political and of communication Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain La Neuve - Belgium).

Agriculture manager - Lead agri / Agriculture & Market / Madagascar

Elodie Marie Princia Randrianantenaina

An Agricultural Engineer by training, specialized in Tropical Agriculture and Sustainable Development, she has 5 years of experience in the field of rural development. She brings her expertise on the development of cash crops value chains in order to contribute to strengthening the resilience of households to climate change in Madagascar.

Agricultural value chain project manager / Agriculture & Market/ Madagascar

Clémentine Maureaud

A graduate in Agricultural Engineering, territories and public policy resources and actors, from Montpellier SupAgro, she worked for 9 years in the development of peasant fish farming in Madagascar. She provides its expertise in the diagnosis and development of value chains and support for farmer innovations, in particular through the coordination and co-construction of solutions with farmers and farmer groups. She joins the team to support the development of sustainable agricultural sectors, particularly within the Talaky be project.

Agriculture Technical Manager / Madagascar

Jeanico Rambeloson

After graduating as an agricultural engineer from the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques in Antananarivo, he joined Nitidæ in 2025 to bring his expertise in soil managemen…

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Project coordinator / Forest & REDD+ / Cameroon

Ludovic Ndangatchana

Graduate of a professional Master's degree in forestry science, forest audit and certification option and a Master's degree in Biology and physiology of plant organisms: botany ecology specialty obtained at the University of Yaoundé in Cameroon, he has accumulated several years of experience in the implementation of community conservation projects for natural resources on the outskirts of the Dja wildlife reserve in Eastern Cameroon

Project Manager / Cameroun

Nina Khorchi

Holder of a master's degree in ‘International development in developing countries’ from the London School of Economics and Political Science, she brings her expertise on project management in the economic development sector, focusing on agribusiness, nature conservation, energy and infrastructure. She joined the Nitidæ team in 2025 to open the Yaoundé office and launch several projects in the country

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Market analyst / Agriculture & Market / Tchad

Akouane Djabre

He is graduated from the Ba-illi school of agricultural techniques with a forestry specialty, from the Institut des Régions Arides (IRA) in Tunisia, and also in project management from the Bioforce institute. He has significant experience as coordinator of projects financed by the European Union and AFD in Chad, notably for the projects "Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Variability, for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security" and "Support for Security food and protection of livelihoods in the Guéra region. He was a Technical Advisor to the Association of Professionals in the Guéra Arabic Gum Industry and brings all his experience to contribute to the analysis of the gum arabic market

Market Analyst / Agriculture & Market / Mali

Alassane Sogodogo

Currently in a thesis, he is graduated with a Master 2 in remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems from the Félix Houphouët Boigny University in Abidjan. He has been task officer in the FORECO project in Mali as Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Assistant et now brings his expertise in agricultural market analysis

Project Officer / Agriculture & Market / Ghana

Rashad Kadiri

Holder of a Master’s Degree in Management Studies from the University for Development Studies, UDS in Ghana. Areas of expertise include project management, agriculture value chain development, design and implementation of community and rural development programs, agriculture market analysis and business advocacy. Since, he has worked in rural communities and with Farmer Based Organizations (FBOs) particularly in the Northern Sector of Ghana. He has contributed immensely in the establishment and administration of the Cereal Inter-professional Committee of Ghana (CIC-Ghana) as part of the West African Grain Network (WAGN)

Market analysis expert / Guinea

Mandjou Doumbouya

Graduated in social science/community development from Julius Nyéréré University in Kankan and the Higher Institute for Distance Education in Guinea. He has worked for more than 7 years in local development projects in Guinea and the analysis of agricultural markets. He is particularly qualified in local development, organization of agricultural actors, development of markets and value chain and Market Information Services (MIS)

Market Analyst / Agriculture & Market / Benin

Armand Kingbo

He is a forest agronomist with a professional master's degree in development and management of natural resources obtained at the faculty of agronomic sciences of the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin and a doctorate in agronomic sciences, specialty development and management of natural resources of the doctoral school of the University of Abomey-Calavi. He is a member of the Forest Sciences Laboratory where he conducts research in forestry in Benin. He also held the position of program manager and coordinator of the Karité Bénin Association and permanent secretary of the Karité Bénin inter-professional organization. He joined the team in 2018 and contributes to the analysis of agricultural markets in Benin

Market Analyst / Agriculture & Market / Guinea-Bissau

André Nanque

He is an industrial engineer and management, involved with the cashew sector more 21 years. From family engaged in cashew’s activity, he started his activity in commercialization domain and after, the entire value chain, from production, processing, to commercialization of final product. He is aslo the adviser to the Guinea-Bissau Government in the cashew domain and Principal Consultant of Commercial Company and Services - Genesis (SCS-G), consulting firm of the EU Delegation in Guinea-Bissau and FAO consultant for agribusinesses.

Agricultural technician / Uganda

John Bosco

He holds a master's degree in climate change and food security from Bishop Stuart University in Uganda. John Bosco has ten years' experience as a technician in regional agricultural development agencies around Kibale Park and in managing tea plantation production

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