Nitidæ wishes to offer efficient and sustainable responses to tackle development issues of rural populations in developping countries; and wants to demonstrate that economic growth combine with the preservation of natural capital is possible and beneficial when carried out by field projects, reproductible on a large-scale. Nitidæ’s vision is:
A multi-sectorial way to take action within the territory …
Most of Nitidæ’s projects cover a set of complementary activities within a territory from an administrative, economic and environmental perspective.
At all times, our actions are set up in all sectors that hold sway over the use of space, in order to maximize its impacts: agriculture, for sure, to limit "farm plot" actions; conservation and sustainable management of forests; energy (and bioenergies, in particular); but also governance.

… And along the value chain
Nitidæ supports all actors that are part of the value chain by maximizing synergies.
Enhancing local resources (cultural and natural) requires strong interactions between production, processing and marketing. By acting at the heart of value chains, Nitidæ is able to diagnose sustainable productive potentials related to the potential for development in local and global markets. On that basis, our teams can support the emergence of local productive systems capable of responding to food needs.
A partnership approach and co-construction methods
Nitidæ always operates in partnership with North and South actors, the private sector and public sector.
Nitidæ works, in particular, with the private, productive (agro-business) or financial sector, which often has a strong impact on territories’ dynamism and which must be part of the sustainable development solutions. Nitidæ is also investing in innovative financing (Payments for Environmental Services and Impact Funds) in order to complete the funding of public development aid and all the studies carried out on behalf of the private sector. Many innovations developed by Nitidæ are the result of collaborative work with the research sector, private sector and direct users.

A priority given to measuring the impacts of our actions
Nitidæ believes that the accountability of its actions is a key element of its mission.
The impacts of all Nitidæ’s actions must be measured and the results published in a fully transparent manner (qualitative and quantitative indicators), easily understood by all (video, reports) and for all (funders, populations, general public).
An action taking place in an innovative ecosystem
Nitidæ develops specific initiatives that support projects implemented by the association:
Le Lab’ was born from the needs to measure on a reliable and documented manner the impact of its actions, all by being convinced of the need to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders in the southern countries. This laboratory brings together a technical and scientific expertise that works with scientific research. The Lab makes it possible to design spatial mapping tools and geographic information systems to help analyze problems and monitor interventions.
N'kalô Service is the leading independent commercial advisory service for the agri-food sector in Africa, from agricultural production to end-uses. N’kalô provides strategic business intelligence and global market analysis. It also provides real-time information, reliable and forward-looking on some agricultural sectors. This information provides access to a beginning level of knowledge and reduces the uncertainty of productive activity, in a context of asymmetric in terms of information and price volatility. This commitment to more transparency in markets also allows a deep understanding of the household economy and promotes the adoption of sustainable and profitable production techniques.
Agrovalor platform makes it possible to conduct specific studies in the biomass energy sector and to develop technological applications adapted to local needs. We are convinced that waste produced by food processing industries is a quality energy resource. Developing robust technologies in order to value these stocks is Agrovalor platform’s aim, working in partnership with research institutions and specialized equipment manufacturers. In waste we trust!