

Remote sensing
128 results
Annual reports
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroecology, Agroforestry, Agroprocessing, Spatial Planning, Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, IWRM, Market, Modeling, REDD+, Remote sensing, ICT

Annual Report 2020 Nitidæ

Matthieu Tiberghien, Cédric Rabany et toute l'équipe
Technical document
Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Remote sensing

IUCN Congress's Presentation - What future for biodiversity in Madagascar? Taking into account scientific projections in conservation and d…

Clovis Grinand, Marie Nourtier, Ghislain Vieilledent
Scientific publication
Agriculture, Agroforestry, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, REDD+, Remote sensing

Changes in land occupation and use between 2016 and 2019 in the south-east of Côte d'Ivoire: impact of cash crops on the forest

Ouattara T. A., Kouamé K. F., Zo-Bi I. C., Vaudry R., Grinand C.
Agriculture, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Remote sensing

Analysis of changes in plant productivity: objectives and methodology

Frédérique Montfort, Clovis Grinand, Marie Nourtier
Scientific publication
Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Remote sensing

Presentation of the thesis defense - Measurement and monitoring of forest cover dynamics: case of the humid forest ecoregion of eastern Mad…

Fety Rakotomalala
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroforestry, Spatial Planning, Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Climate, Forest, Market, REDD+, Remote sensing

The Mé REDD + Project - four years of commitment and innovation in the service of the Mé forests and its inhabitants

Benjamin Garnier et toute l'équipe
Technical document
Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Market, REDD+, Remote sensing

Exploratory diagnosis of agrarian dynamics of the Mount Ribaue and M'Paluwe region - Intermediary report

Margaux Béringuier
Technical document
Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Market, REDD+, Remote sensing

Historical and future deforestation analysis of Ribaue Mountains (Mount Ribaue and Mount M’paluwe)

Montfort Frédérique
Technical document
Agriculture, Agroecology, Spatial Planning, Biodiversity, Climate, Forest, REDD+, Remote sensing

Landscape Dynamics Assessment of Mount Namuli Region

Frédérique Montfort, Clovis Grinand
Agriculture, Agroecology, Spatial Planning, Biodiversity, Climate, Forest, REDD+, Remote sensing

Mount Namuli - Community conservation area in the Republic of Mozambique

Lupa, Legado, Nitidæ
Annual reports
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroprocessing, Spatial Planning, Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, IWRM, Market, Modeling, REDD+, Remote sensing, ICT

Annual Report 2019 Nitidæ

Matthieu Tiberghien, Cédric Rabany et toute l'équipe
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Spatial Planning, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Market, REDD+, Remote sensing

Presentation by Cédric Rabany during the Iddri/AFD Webinar "Towards sustainable cocoa: potentials and challenges of a complex value chain"

Cédric Rabany
Scientific publication
Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate, Forest, Market, Remote sensing

Article - It’s not just poverty: unregulated global market and bad governance explain unceasing deforestation in Western Madagascar

Ghislain Vieilledent, Marie Nourtier, Clovis Grinand, Miguel Pedrono, Alison Clausen, Tsiky Rabetrano, Jean-Roger Rakotoarijaona, Bruno Rakotoarivelo, Fety Rakotomalala, Linjanantenaina Rakotomalala, Andriamandimbisoa Razafimpahanana, Frédéric Achard
Project report
Agriculture, Spatial Planning, Forest, Market, Remote sensing

Activity report of the AFAFI-Nord-AF phase 1 cashew value chain development project June 2020

Tovondriaka Rakotobe
Scientific publication
Agriculture, Spatial Planning, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Modeling, Remote sensing

From land productivity trends to land degradation assessment in Mozambique: Effects of climate, human activities and stakeholder definitions

Frédérique Montfort, Agnès Bégué, Louise Leroux, Lilian Blanc, Valéry Gond, Armindo H. Cambule, Ivan A. D. Remane, Clovis Grinand