

214 results
Technical document
Agroforestry, Spatial Planning, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Remote sensing

Forest plantation diagnosis of the Mahavotra project

Clovis Grinand, Telina Randrianary, Sedera Andriamisaintsoa, Fety Rakotomalala
Technical document
Agriculture, Agroecology, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Modeling, Remote sensing

Miombo woodland regeneration dynamics after slash and burn agriculture in Mozambique

Frédérique Montfort, Marie Nourtier, Clovis Grinand, Corentin Mercier
Biodiversity, Degradation-Restoration, Forest

Poster: Deforestation and Wildlife Management: 'Are elephants attracted by recently deforested areas ?'

Catalina Amaya, Hugo Valls-Fox, Marie Nourtier, Frédérique Montfort, Alessandro Fusari, Telina Randrianary, Emmanuelle Richard, Thomas Prin
Annual reports
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroprocessing, Spatial Planning, Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, IWRM, Market, Modeling, REDD+, Remote sensing, ICT

Annual Report 2018 Nitidæ

Matthieu Tiberghien, Cédric Rabany et toute l'équipe
Technical document
Biodiversity, Forest, Modeling, REDD+, Remote sensing

Master's thesis - The importance of deforestation and climate change in shaping lemurs’ distributions and identifying their areas of climat…

Corentin Knoploch, Clovis Grinand, Ghislain Vieilledent
Biodiversity, Forest, Modeling, REDD+, Remote sensing

Master's thesis presentation - The importance of deforestation and climate change in shaping lemurs’ distributions and identifying their ar…

Corentin Knoploch, Clovis Grinand, Ghislain Vieilledent
Project report
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroecology, Bioenergy, Biodiversity, Climate, Forest, Market, REDD+

Mozbio - Eighth Progress Report (January/April 2019)

Jean-Baptiste Roelens, équipe projet
Technical document
Agriculture, Agroecology, Biodiversity, Climate, Forest, Remote sensing

Diagnosis of agrarian dynamics on the Eastern slope of Mount Namuli & Analysis of agricultural practices into deforestation dynamics and d…

Margaux Béringuier, Noémie Rullier, Jean-Baptiste Roelens, Cédric Rabany
Technical document
Spatial Planning, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Remote sensing

Land Use and Land Cover Map of Mount Namuli and surroundings

Frédérique Montfort
Project report
Agroforestry, Spatial Planning, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Remote sensing

Outcome report of the component 4 - Environmental and economic effects of forest plantations

Clovis Grinand, Telina Randrianary, Sedera Andriamisaintsoa, Fety Rakotomalala
Technical document
Biodiversity, Forest

Deforestation and wildlife management: Are elephants attracted by recently deforested areas?

Valls H., Fusari A., Corredor P., Nourtier M., Montfort F., Randrianary T., Chardonnet P.
Project report
Agroecology, Spatial Planning, Degradation-Restoration, Forest, Remote sensing

History and achievements of the regional GIS in Itasy

Clovis Grinand, Telina Randrianary, Sedera Andriamisaintsoa, Fety Rakotomalala
Technical document
Climate, Forest, Remote sensing

Using LiDAR for Aboveground Biomass Mapping in Madagascar - Pilot Study in the Moramanga Region

Clovis Grinand
Technical document
Agriculture, Organic Agriculture, Agroecology, Climate, Degradation-Restoration, Forest

Impact of agroecological practices on soil organic carbon sequestration using synchronic and diachronic approaches on ferralsols and andoso…

Rakotovao Harisoa Narindra, Ramifehiarivo Nandrianina, Razakamanarivo Ramarson Herintsitohaina, Grinand Clovis, Razafimbelo Tantely Maminiaina