CAJOUVALOR - Pilot program of the revalorization of the cashew by-products in Hauts Bassins region
Main goals
The project aims to strengthen the competitiveness of semi-industrial structures on international markets by valuing their energy and environmental performances
Specific objectives
Install a pyrolysis oven in multiple cashew processing units
- Unité GIE Yanta
R1. The targeted cashew processing unit revalorizes the shells that the activity generates
R2. Reduction of 50 % of the traditional biomass consumption used in the targeted cashew processing unit
R3. Reduction of GHG emissions of at least 50% compared to the defined baseline (application of Ex Act FAO tool)
R4. 30% reduction of the traditional biomass consumption used in local productive structures integrated into short commercialisation channels
R5. The environmental services provided by the sector during production and processing are characterized and valued (GHG emission reductions, promotion of biodiversity through appropriate cultural practices)
A1. Accompany necessary processes at the unit level in order to optimize energetic performances
A2. Encourage the development of short commercialisation channels for biomass fuels from other local companies
A3. Promote systems of « payment for environmental services » (Promotion of a multi-indicator approach integrating carbon, biodiversity, water and soil quality)
H2CP : Pyrolysis reactor of cashew nuts for a processing unit
Related people
Etienne Perrier
Having graduated from the Engineering School INSA of Lyon as an Engineer in Energy & Environment, option "Thermal systems engineering", Section "Top-level sport", he brings his expertise in renewable thermal systems implementation and analysis, in the food processing industry (shea and cashew), waste recycling and training of local experts
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