COQUENSTOCK - Feasibility study of cashew shell valorisation in Burkina Faso
Main goals
Almost 10,000 ton RCN have been processed in Burkina Faso during 2019, accounting for 10% of the total RCN production of the country ; and the processed volumes shall steadily increase in the coming years. This is the aim of the anacarde Initiative, the gouvernement’s flagship project for the cashew sector, implemented by the Conseil Burkinabè de l’anacarde. The country’s processing rate should increase up to 45%. In this context, the management of cashew nut by-products appears as a prominent issue. Nowadays, more than 70% of the raw nuts incoming the processing units become waste. Most of this weigth essentially consists of the cashew shells, which are only valorized in a small quantity as a fuel for the factory. This cannot anyway avoid questions about the appropriateness of this method of valorisation.
Specific objectives
SO1. Assess the opportunities for valorisation of the cashew shell in the Burkinabe sector
SO2. Build a business plan of the cashew shell valorisation unit called reference center
SO3. Size the reference center and determine the key profitability indicators of the investments following the most appropriate process for the valorization of cashew shell
SO4. Identify any contribution and development promoting the complete valorization of the shell in Burkina Faso
• The Burkinabe Cashew Council
• Cashew processing actors in Burkina Faso
R1. The socio-economic context of the reference center is assessed
R2. The market and competitors for the products of the reference center is assessed
R3. The technical realisation of the reference center is done
R4. Fhe financial and economical profitability is assessed, taking into account the incitative measures contained in the Investments law
R5. A funding plan and the status of the reference center is proposed
R6. Any other action contributing to the valorisation of the cashew shell in Burkina Faso is proposed
A1. Assessment of the socio-economic context of the reference center
A2. Assessment the market and competitors for the products of the reference center
A3. Technical assessment of the reference center
A4. Assessment of the financial and economical profitability taking into account the incitative measures contained in the Investments law
A5. Proposal of a funding plan and the status of the reference center
A6. Proposal of any action contributing to the valorisation of the cashew shell in Burkina Faso

We said it, but we said it again, the nut shell is burning, even! Here combustible CNSL

Cashew nutshells garbages that accumulate behind factories
Related documents

COQUENSTOCK feasibility study of valuing the cashew shell in Burkina Faso

Presentation - Validation meeting of the feasibility study for the valorization of cashew nut shells in Burkina-Faso

Intermediate report - Feasibility study for the cashew nut shells valorization in Burkina-Faso

Presentation - Intermediate meeting of the feasibility study for the valorization of the cashew nut shell in Burkina-Faso
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