EUACP - Strengthening civil society in the sugar and agrofuels sector in Africa and helping to understand the issues with Europe
September 2007
May 2008
Project cost
20 000 €
Role in the project
Value Chain Expert
Main goals
- Identify the different stakeholders in the sugar value chain (companies, producers, institutions).
- Identify the issues of regional companies
- Search for opportunities for meetings between the various actors aiming at sustainable development
- Change the sectors towards greater ecological and social sustainability in Africa
Specific objectives
Study and dissemination of sheets on:
- Corporate Social Responsibility in the field of agrofuels in Africa
- Strategic watch
- The link with Europe and Brazil
- Good management practices by African companies
- The general situation in Africa
Related documents

Agriculture, Climate, Market
Summary sheets - The Brazilian Sugar alcool sector in 2009 - social, environmental issues and the role of certifications

Project report
Agriculture, Climate, Market
3rd Brazilian Scientific seminar. Social Rights, environnemental rights and responsble management in the sugar-alcohol sector

Agriculture, Bioenergy, Market
Proposals booklet - Agrofuels : towards a form of world governance
Please refer also to
SUCRETIQ - Ethical Sugar program: based…

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