GILE PFNL - Sustainable use of Non-Timber Forest Products around Gilé National Park Mozambique

January 2017
December 2020
Project cost
74 000 €
Role in the project
Biodiversity & market expertise




Biodiversity Forest Market


Mushroom Honey

Main goals

The project for the valorization and marketing of Non-Timber Forestry Products (NTFPs) around Gilé National Park (GNAP), coordinated by FFS-IGF started in 2017 with the financial support of the French Development Agency (AFD). The project aims to i) strengthen the GNAP team capacities to protect natural resources, ii) promote the legalization and organization of the NTFPs sustainable use by local communities living in the Buffer zone, and iii) develop the NTFPs production by identifying and implementing methods, tools and channels of use and valorization.

Nitidæ aims to support the NTPFs project by evaluating the potentiality of storing and commercialisation of NTFPs, namely wild mushrooms and honey by local communities living in the Buffer Zone of GNAP and providing basic training to selected communities’ members.

Specific objectives

SO1. Support to improve and transfer capacity on long term to the GNAP team on NTFPs monitoring and sustainable production techniques
SO2. Realize pilot tests and market studies to help identify suitable technologies and prioritize the best options for NTFPs value chain development


Local communities living in the Buffer Zone of GNAP, in particular women groups responsible for the collection of NTFPs

Mushroom collection in Miombo Woodland

Mushroom cleaning

Training community selected members in sustainable beekeeping practices


R1. Mushroom species knowledge for the Gilé National Park and Mozambique are improved and a sustainable collection thresholds is defined
R2. Women groups are trained on best practices for the collection, storage and commercialization of wild mushrooms
R3. Community selected members are trained on sustainable beekeeping practices
R4. Appropriate technologies low-cost and easily used are tested and identified to improve the harvesting, transport, processing, storage and commercialization of wild mushrooms
R5. The mushroom and honey value chain in and around the GNAP are structured and a market strategy is identified



A1. Support on the scientific identification of mushrooms and implementation of a sampling protocol to estimate biological productivity and a data collection system with ODK collect to facilitate the collection of field information on edible mushrooms
A2. Training of collectors and community development department (CDD) team in good practices of harvesting, transportation, cleaning and basic hygiene requirements to ensure long-term resource management and quality product
A3. Realize pilot tests of low-tech affordable drying and packaging techniques to improve the product quality
A4. Elaboration of a set of pedagogic materials on good collection and processing practices to be used by the CDD team
A5. An analyse of the NTFPs legal framework in Mozambique
A6. Market study and linkage at provincial and/or national scale to strengthen a realistic strategy considering different scenarios and the existing legal framework in Mozambique


A1. Support and advise CDD team on the improvement of traditional production methods and sustainable beekeeping management methodologies
A2. Training community selected members in sustainable beekeeping practices and build capacity to increase honey production
A3. Provide technical and strategic assistance for commercialization and market linkage

Trained beekeepers

Beehive management

AFD video report on the Gilé National Reserve in Mozambique

##### Credits: ©AFD2020

Related people

Project officer / Forest & REDD + / France

Frédérique Montfort

Doctor of AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, she brings her expertise on the biodiversity component and on the degradation and restoration of forest landscapes. She joined N’Lab de Nitidæ in 2017 to carry out her thesis with the association, UR Forêts & Sociétés and UMR Tétis on the degradation and restoration of Miombo forest landscapes in Mozambique. She is currently conducting studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) on various projects of the association

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Project manager / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Julia Artigas Sancho

Process engineer and holder of a European MsC in Renewable energies, she works on energy-related issues in African industry, since 2016. Process optimization and agri-waste-to-energy systems are her main expertise areas: appropriate technologies, training on operation and maintenance, biofuels…

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Country representative in Mozambique

Jean-Baptiste Roelens

Holder of a master Tropical environment and Biodiversity, he worked for 3 years in French Guyana, notably as forest ecology and soil science research officer at CIRAD. From 2008 to 2016 he worked at the WWF in Madagascar, France and Democratic Republic of Congo as Forest and Climate program manager. At WWF, he supported conservation, forest landscape restoration and REDD+ projects, he also conducted campaign and advocacy work on forest policies and energy infrastructure development. He joined Etc Terra - then nitidæ - in May 2016 as MOZBIO project manager around the Gilé national reserve in the Zambézia province in Mozambique.

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Project Officer / France

François Griffon

Holder of a Master's degree in "Sustainable Farming and Agri-food Systems in the South", specialised in "Markets, Organization, Quality and Services" from Montpellier SupAgro - Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), he brings his expertise in sector and value chain analysis, market studies, quality management and farmers' organisations services and support

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