JAFOWA-FENOP - Agricultural practices favorable to an agroecological transition and intensive employment in Burkina Faso
Main goals
The project aims to promote environmentally friendly farming practices among 200 market gardeners who are members of OP Munyu and to create 25 jobs for young people in the Cascades regions. The aim will be to support the Munyu group in better responding to an increasingly demanding local demand for healthy and nutritious market garden products from resilient agriculture, thus resulting in better journals for women and job creation for young people
Specific objectives
SO1. Disseminate agroecological practices within the market gardening FOs members of Munyu
SO2. Encourage the sustainable implementation of agroecological practices within Munyu by improving the structuring and governance of member market gardening FOs
SO3. Stimulate demand and accessibility of Bio SPG certified products from member cooperatives in Munyu
- 200 women members of the Munyu cooperative certified organic-SPG of Banfora
- Consumers in the Cascades and Hauts Bassins regions
R1. The target vegetable cooperatives implement agroecological practices in their vegetable farms and consequently offer better quality Bio-SPG certified products on the local Cascades and Hauts-Bassins markets
R2. The market gardening and rice growing FOs members of Munyu structured into agroecological vegetable production cooperatives are functional
R3. The sales volume of BIO-SPG certified products has increased; cooperatives improve their turnover and 25 jobs created
A1. Production support
- Establishment of a rural unit for the production of organic inputs
- Technical support for ecological market gardening on 10 sites and monitoring
- Technical supervision of the Intensive Rice Farming System on 10 sites and monitoring
- Implementation of 4 Farmer Field Schools (CEP)
- Design of didactic, awareness and popularization tools
A2. Support for the structuring of POs members of the Munyu association - Design of training tools on the OHADA law and support for structuring
- Support for project management (planning, monitoring of implementation and administrative and financial management)
A3. Support for commercial development and Bio-SPG certification of Munyu products - Training on crop planning and the evolution of the commercial offer
- Certification of BIO-SPG products
- Establishment of 3 points of sale and promotion of SPG organic products
A4. Development of a baseline situation
Related people

Moussa Bingboure
Graduated with a Master 2 in Project Management at Senghor University of Alexandria, and Master 1 in Agricultural and Environmental Economics at Norbert Zongo University, he brings his expertise in the development of agricultural value chains and agro-food, strengthening the technical and organizational capacities of stakeholders in the sectors and also in the analysis of agricultural markets. He also has good experience in the development and coordination of agricultural development and natural resource preservation projects
LABEL BIO DU FASO - Development of the…