MADAGROVE - Development of local bioenergies to preserve mangrove in Madagascar

January 2019
December 2023
Project cost
135 000 €
Role in the project
Biomass & Energy expert




Bioenergy Biodiversity Climate Degradation-Restoration Forest


Timber Wood energy Organic waste

Main goals

The project is part of a strategic partnership of the Blue Forests program on actions to reduce pressure on mangroves and natural forests in the districts of Ambanja and Nosy Be in the Diana region

Specific objectives

SO1. Increase the supply of wood energy, including sustainable charcoal
SO2. Reduce the demand for charcoal by optimizing its consumption


  • Reforesters and Sylviculturists from the Blue Ventures intervention zone as each part in the value chain, from producers to final consumers
  • Rural and urban populations
  • Actors of the local authorities such as the French Water an Forestry Headquarters
Mangrove trees in a mangrove zone


A1. Analysis of the "charcoal" industry in DIANA region focused on the Ambanja district and evaluation of alternative solutions to reduce production of charcoal from mangrove wood
A2. Technical support on forest management in reforestation plots carried out by Blues Ventures beneficiaries
A3. Development, energy performance evaluation and dissemination study of improved carbonization practices
A4. Development, energy perfomance evaluation, market research and dissemination of improved cookstove models for restaurant-related productive uses
A5. Techno-economic feasibility study for the creation of a bio-charcoal factory based on charcoal residues found in charcoal transport and storage areas
A6. Development of bio-charcoal production and commercialization based on renewable biomasses