MANGOWA - Developing the Sectoral part of an Investment Profile for the Mango Sector in ECOWAS
Main goals
This mission concerns the development of the sector-specific chapters for the ECOWAS Investment Profile on the Mango Sector which will be used by ECOWAS Commission, regional business associations and selected member states to promote investments
Specific objectives
The Regional West Africa Competitiveness (WACOMP) will support ECOWAS in the development of sector investment profiles covering selected Member States, in particular for the mango value chain. The objective of these Investment Profiles is two-fold:
SO1. to assist foreign investors, in terms of understanding the investment climate, receiving the latest research and market insights, and identifying investment opportunities in the sector; and
SO2. to enable public and private sector representatives to promote investment in selected value chains, particularly in the ECOWAS countries presenting a high potential for increased value-chain driven investment that can contribute to improved participation in regional and international trade and value chains
A1. Develop, draft and submit to ITC, the ECOWAS Mango Chapter of Part 1 of the Profile, which will also involve producing a detailed outline for the chapter that will be validated with ITC
A2. Prepare, and submit to ITC for validation, a draft template and guidelines for the national consultants, which will guide them in the sectoral assessment and the production of the country reports
A3. Jointly with the Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business section (TFPB), undertake two inception meetings (most probably via video-conference) involving respectively the ECOWAS and the national consultants to discuss about the objectives, scope, process and tasks for developing the Investment
A4. Provide guidance to the national consultants in relation to data collection, stakeholder meetings, and drafting of country reports, also ensuring with them that the contents developed are according to the required standard and that all the pertinent information is being addressed as per the initially shared draft template
A5. Based on the final drafts of the country reports provided by the national consultants and upon validation of the main findings with the relevant national authorities in coordination with ECOWAS, draft, and submit to ITC, the Country Chapters’ sectoral part of the Investment Profile (together with the ECOWAS Chapter on Mango as per activity 1 above) – capturing the national value chain analysis of focus countries and the recommendations for very precise and most bankable investment opportunities in the mango sector
A6. If required, after having incorporated the feedback from ITC and ECOWAS, present, potentially jointly with the international consultant, the revised version of the developed draft Profile at a public-private dialogue (PPD)/focus group discussion with ECOWAS and potentially selected government bodies, Investment Promotion Agencies, and possibly investors and other stakeholders
A7. Finalize the sectoral parts of the Profile based on the final inputs received from ECOWAS, ITC, and other stakeholders, including those having participated in the PPD/focus group discussion
A8. Produce an Investment Profile Snapshot (12-15 pages) jointly with the international consultant, which will be used as a brochure for potential investors, and a presentation on the Sectoral Parts of the Profile for the use of ECOWAS, Investment Promotion Agencies and any other relevant stakeholders
A9. Produce, and submit to ITC, a short end-of-assignment report on the different deliverables, highlighting achievements, possible challenges, lessons learnt, recommendations and proposed follow-up actions including in the form of technical assistance
Related people
Pierre Ricau
Holder of a Master Degree in "Agricultural Development and Economic Policies" from the Institute of Development Studies (IEDES), Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University and AgroParisTech. He brings his expertise in agricultural market analysis (especially cashew, sesame, shea, cocoa, hevea, corn, rice and onion), development of agro-food sectors, training engineering and consultancy on public agricultural/agro-industrial policies
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Holder of a Master's degree in "Sustainable Farming and Agri-food Systems in the South", specialised in "Markets, Organization, Quality and Services" from Montpellier SupAgro - Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), he brings his expertise in sector and value chain analysis, market studies, quality management and farmers' organisations services and support
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