NTICAJOU - Creation of an ICTs network to share the knowledge about the cashew nut world market and to valorize the cashew nut chain in Ivory Coast

January 2009
December 2011
Project cost
600 000 €
Role in the project


Côte d’Ivoire


Agriculture Agroprocessing Market ICT



Main goals

  • To develop a dynamic ICT network to share information between 5 000 producers and 22 exporters of the commercial chain of cashew nuts with the Government’s Services.
  • To strengthen and enhance the Government’s Services by an ICT structured network
  • To improve the livelihood and working conditions for 5,000 cashew nut producers

Specific objectives

This project aims to contribute to reduce extreme poverty in the context of the "Strategy for reducing Poverty in the Ivory Coast". It targets specifically women’s poverty by generating interest in new information and communication technologies and also by building a partnership for providing support for the arboriculture chain in the Sahelian area.


  • 5,000 cashew nut producers, including 30% women
  • 200 responsibles of groupings or cooperatives (the local experts of the future for the cashew nut chain)
  • 50 executives (including 30% women) of the public and private sector (the future national experts)
  • 2 analysts and 5 ICTs providers of agricultural advice suited to producers’ needs and focused on the market’s demand.


R1. The information and communication system, based on Internet and mobile technology, is implemented. An analysis cell and 5 relay stations are operational
R2. The selling price of cashews at the Port of Abidjan is known every week by all 5,000 producers
R3. The farm gate price of cashew nuts is increased by € 0.07/kg. For the 25,000 tonnes produced by the 5,000 producers, it represents for each household an increase of about 1 EUR/day
R4. 5,000 producers are trained and their negotiating skills are increased
R5. A web platform to disseminate/share informations between producers, exporters and state services is implemented and available
R6. ICTs are disseminated and appropriated by national institutions


A1. Establish the information/communication system based on ICTs network
A2. Starting and monitoring the effective functioning of the information and price communication system (5,000 producers informed by 70,000 text messages inducing an income of 1€/day/producer)
A3. Ensure monitoring and impacts evaluation in terms of producers' living standards and support them in their selling process (200 trained managers)
A4. Improve negotiating skills of 5,000 producers through training
A5. Set up a ICTs structured network to share/disseminate information on marketing between producers, exporters of the commercial chain of cashew nuts and the Government’s Services
A6. Improve ICTs integration capacities in national institutions

Related people

Project officer / Agriculture & Market / France

Pierre Ricau

Holder of a Master Degree in "Agricultural Development and Economic Policies" from the Institute of Development Studies (IEDES), Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University and AgroParisTech. He brings his expertise in agricultural market analysis (especially cashew, sesame, shea, cocoa, hevea, corn, rice and onion), development of agro-food sectors, training engineering and consultancy on public agricultural/agro-industrial policies

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