PROTEGE - Methodological support for the establishment and animation of the PROTEGE network of demonstration farms in agroecology in New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna
Main goals
PROTEGE is a regional cooperation project which aims to build sustainable and resilient development of the French Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) economies in the face of climate change, by relying on biodiversity and renewable natural resources.
Specific objectives
The specific objective of the project theme is to support the agroecological transition for agriculture, particularly organic, adapted to climate change and respectful of biodiversity, and the sustainable and integrated management of forest resources in Nouvelle-Calédonie, Polynésie française and Wallis et Futuna.
R1. Viable agroecological systems are technically validated and transferred and the obstacles to the development of organic agriculture have been lifted.
R2. An integrated management policy for forests, agroforestry and coconut groves is defined and implemented.
R3. Products from agroecology, forest and coconut groves are valued.
R4. Operational, coordination and support tools have been put in place to strengthen and sustain inter-OCTs and OCT/ACP cooperation
Pit dug for soil and root analysis
A1. Island agroecology and climate: Develop the technical and economic foundations of agroecology by contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
A2. Farmer / breeders networks: Facilitate networks of farms practicing ecological intensification.
A3. Organic farming sector: Remove the obstacles and structure the “organic farming” (AB) sector in the long term.
A4. Integrated and participatory management plans for forests, agroforestry and coconut trees: Draft and validate participatory management plans for forests, agroforestry and coconut groves.
A5. The tree at the heart of practices: Support innovative projects integrating the use of trees.
A6. From field to plate: Integrate products from agroecology and organic farming into food systems, support the marketing and consumption of healthy local products.
A7. Promotion of wood and coconut products: Support the promotion and marketing of products from local forests and coconut groves.
A8. Territorial coordination and animation: Ensure territorial coordination and support for the implementation of activities: agreement with a "lead" organization and recruitment of territorial "Agriculture and forestry" coordinators to ensure the coordination of exchanges and the coordination between the stakeholders of the territories, the follow-up and the implementation of the activities and the technical and financial reporting of the actions carried out.
A9. Regional forestry and agroecology platform: Set up a sustainable regional platform in agroecology and forestry to organize and share regional studies, training and technico-economic information and support agroecological and organic management methods.

One of the farms of the network
Discover the project in video
Related people
Cédric Rabany
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