PSECO - Develop viable economic models of Payments for Environmental Services linked to cocoa landscapes for the private sector in Côte d'Ivoire

December 2023
April 2026
Project cost
950 000 €
Role in the project


Côte d’Ivoire


Agriculture Agroecology Agroforestry Climate Forest



Main goals

Enroll cooperatives in partnerships with the private sector by allowing them to benefit from payments for environmental services

Specific objectives

SO1. Deploy, in partnership with the private cocoa sector, individual PES schemes remunerating planters for their agroforestry practices and the positive externalities they generate.
SO2. Contribute to the reflection and operationalization of PES experiences promoting “zero deforestation” territories.


  • Rural cocoa farming communities
  • Company in the cocoa sector, Ivorian State


R1. PES linking agroforestry cocoa planters, via cooperatives, and the private cocoa sector (traders and chocolate buyers) are set up and give rise to effective payments
R2. “Zero deforestation” PES are tested at the level of communities bordering the Mabi-Yaya Natural Reserve, contributing to discussions around a national PES system

Related people

PES project manager / Agriculture & Market/ Côte d'Ivoire

Bertrand Konan

Holder of a master's degree in Geography obtained at the Institute of Tropical Geography (IGT), he began his career in 2011 in humanitarian work then in the Cocoa sector from 2015. Since June 2024, he has joined Nitidae as a as Project Manager on the PSENABEL project.

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Country representative in Côte d'Ivoire

Renaud Lapeyre

PhD in environmental and development economics (ENS Cachan, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines), he is expert in conservation finance, including through ecotourism and innovative financial mechanisms (PES), and he specialised in international cooperation programs. He worked several years in Namibia, Morocco, and Kenya. In 2012, he joined Iddri (SciencesPo Paris) as senior researcher in biodiversity economics, before joining WWF France in 2017, as a manager for public sector partnerships. At Nitidae since September 2021, Renaud was PRM2 Project Manager from 2021 to March 2024

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Administrative and Financial Manager / Côte d'Ivoire

Alimata Lorn-Konaté

Holder of a Master 2 in Finance, Alimata worked for seven years for the NGO Search for Common Ground before joining Nitidæ in January 2017. She currently holds the position of Administrative and Financial Manager of our representation in Côte d'Ivoire

ICT Business Developer and Manager of the N'kalô development / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Serge Kedja

Engineer in Advanced Information Systems (University of Bejaia, Algeria), MSc in Information Technologies (University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom) and Alumni Chevening, he specializes in design, development, management and the capitalization of digital solutions for agriculture in Africa.

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Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Benjamin Garnier

Agricultural Engineer, specialised in "quality of the environment and resources management", from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT). He brings his expertise in feasibility studies for investment funds, agricultural markets studies and analysis of value chains

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Project Manager for Territorial Planning and Monitoring-Evaluation / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Oum Koulthoum Abdou

An agronomist engineer by training (INPHB of Yamoussoukro), she joined Nitidae in 2020 for a position as coordinator of the Labelivoire project, a project which set up an organic SPG label (participatory guarantee system) on fresh products for local consumption (market gardener and food grower). The project ends in 2023. She currently holds the position of Territorial Planning (AT) and Monitoring-Evaluation (SE) project manager on a payment for environmental service project on Cocoa (2023-2026).

Project Accounting Administrator / Côte d'Ivoire

Fatima Anne Andrée Loum

Holder of a Master's degree in Audit and Management Control from the Private University Faculties of Abidjan (FUPA), she joined the team in October 2021 as an accounting assistant for the Agrovalor project before joining the Shea Gets Greener team until in 2023. Based in Abidjan, she now serves as Project Accounting Administrator on the PSE-Enabel project.

Project officer / Forest & REDD + / France

Frédérique Montfort

Doctor of AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, she brings her expertise on the biodiversity component and on the degradation and restoration of forest landscapes. She joined N’Lab de Nitidæ in 2017 to carry out her thesis with the association, UR Forêts & Sociétés and UMR Tétis on the degradation and restoration of Miombo forest landscapes in Mozambique. She is currently conducting studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) on various projects of the association

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work

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Project Manager / France

Noémie Rullier

Holder of an Engineering diploma in Agronomy, specializing in Sustainable agricultural & Agri-Food systems for the South, from Montpellier SupAgro- Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), she brings her expertise to support technical changes and development processes in rural area; to support farm advisory, training engineering and plant biology research

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