SENESAM - Development of a market Information service for FENPROSE in Senegal
Main goals
The general objective of the project is the improvement of competitiveness, profitability and the capacity to manage the commercial risks of small agricultural producers and actors of the sesame sector (then cashew nut from 2015) in Senegal thanks to a service of committed economic intelligence based on expertise in this fast-growing and high value-added sector
Specific objectives
Establishment of an information service and commercial consulting in Senegal on the sesame sector at the request and in partnership with FENPROSE - National Federation of Sesame Producers
The FENPROSE federation, the 10 PO members of the federation and about 6,000 sesame producers who are members of the POs
** R1. ** Improvement of marketing ** R2. ** Risk minimization ** R3. ** Increase in income ** R4. ** Improvement of relations between actors
** A1. ** The information service combines market analysis, design of forescat advice, tailored to users (producers, SMEs, institutions) and technological flexibility ** A2. ** It is based on a principle of training, information and advice grouped together within an economic intelligence service ** A3. ** The training strengthens the capacity of the institution FENPROSE to use information for decision-making ** A4. ** Most of the service in Senegal is provided by the FENPROSE takeover bids (price collection, information dissemination, internal advice, etc.), which in return receive a decrypted information on the state of the market and which directly touches over 6,000 producers ** A5. ** Thus, with a very low intervention cost, the agricultural council created has a much greater potential for sustainability, both financially and in terms of strengthening local skills.
Related documents

Study on sesame sector’s norms and standards in Burkina Faso

Our training and services related to market information

2017-2018 sesame campaign outcomes and 2018-2019 outlooks

2018 cashew season outcomes and 2019 outlooks
Related people
Cheikh Ousmane Loum
Graduated from a Master 2 in Territorial Planning - Decentralization and Local Development from the Faculty of Geography of the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. He also holds an engineering degree (Master 1) in community development and training from the Higher School of Applied Economics in Dakar. He is an expert in agricultural market analysis and in training and supporting producer organizations
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