SENSOIL - Audit and technical, organizational and commercial support of essential oils produced by the Faniry domain in Madagascar
May 2023
December 2023
Role in the project
Energy, market, agro-process and environment expertise
Main goals
Establish a diagnosis of the production and marketing of essential oils in the Faniry domain in order to propose improvement solutions
Specific objectives
SO1. Evaluate the production capacity of essential oils (taking into account capacities at the agronomic/agricultural level, extraction but also organizational, etc.)
SO2. Evaluate potential commercial outlets, especially on a local scale initially (depending on production volume, product quality, etc.).
Distillation unit
A1. Identify the supply of aromatic plants
A2. Calculate the supply of firewood
A3. Estimate extraction capacity in 2023
A4. Analyze the marketing of essential oils
A5. Establish an optimal production scenario
Location of reforestation plots aged of 5 years at least
Please refer also to
MADLABEL - Study of labels and certific…

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