SHEAPES - Assessing impacts of the Shea Gets Greener project and build up a Qualification system for Environmental & Social performances

May 2022
December 2024
Project cost
192 000 €
Role in the project
Impact measurement expertise


Côte d’Ivoire Ghana Mali


Agroprocessing Bioenergy Climate Forest


Timber Wood energy Shea

Main goals

Implementation of a rating system for the environmental and social performance of Producers Organizations of Kernels and Shea Butter who are partners of SFC

Specific objectives

SO1. Completion of the impact study of the Shea Gets Greener project
SO2. Creation of a standard for measuring and monitoring the environmental and social performance of POs SFC partners as part of the Shea Gets Greener project
SO3. Integration of the standard developed within the SFC infrastructure


  • 16 Kernels and Shea Butter Producers Organizations
  • The Savannah Fruit Company


R1. A standard adapted to the rating of the environmental and social performance of shea POs is created, based on the monitoring of the partner cooperatives of the Shea Gets Greener project
R2. The impacts of the Shea Gets Greener project on the environmental and social plans of partner POs are assessed
R3. SFC integrates the performance rating standard within its commercial infrastructure


A1. Definition of concept
A2. Baseline assessment
A3. Creation of reference documents and tools
A4. Monitoring, impact assessment and handover

Related people

Energy and process technician / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Lynda Mavy Bayala

Engineer in Water, Sanitation and Hydro-agricultural Developments, she brings her expertise for the evaluation of socio-environmental impacts within the framework of the SHEA GETS GREENER project. Her position also consists of carrying out household performance measurements, designing and monitoring waste recovery equipment as well as developing logistical and operational waste management strategies

Energy and process task officer / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Inès Adélaïde Nanema

Engineer in Electrical and Energy Engineering, renewable energy option at the International Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE), she is passionate about bio-energies and subjects related to sustainable development, climate and to carbon credits. She therefore decided to join the energy team in order to contribute to the development of bio-energies in Africa and to provide her expertise in project impact studies and in the energy recovery of biomass

Project manager / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Julia Artigas Sancho

Process engineer and holder of a European MsC in Renewable energies, she works on energy-related issues in African industry, since 2016. Process optimization and agri-waste-to-energy systems are her main expertise areas: appropriate technologies, training on operation and maintenance, biofuels…

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work

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Project Officer / Madagascar

Anthony Guhur

With a degree in "Environment, Earth, Change, Climate", specialised in "Rural Area & Environment" from the University of Bourgogne (co-accredited with AgroSup Dijon), he brings expertise in bioenergy, forestry & agro-environmental projects and in project management

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