VALOMANG - Diagnostic mission on material loss and waste valorization in mango processing units (drying process) including tree case studies in Burkina Faso
Main goals
- Identification of the quantities and types of waste generated by the transformation process
- Analyzis of the causes of this waste and drafting of potential solutions to better valorize mangoes during the transformation process and to reduce associated wastage
- Drafting of economically sustainable solutions for the recovery of final waste in general and for the specific units that have been studied
Specific objectives
The mission will rely on case studies of three processing units in Burkina Faso: Mango-So, Sanlé séchage, Ranch du Koba
Selected cooperatives and, more broadly, all operators of the mango sector in Burkina Faso.
Specific solutions are proposed to cooperatives for the valorization of their waste
A1. Preparation of the mission and study of the functioning of the structures
A2. Assessement and monitoring of the quantities of losses and waste
A3. Proposal to improve waste recovery practices and drafting of specific solutions
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