WRICONGO - Readiness assistance to the Republic of Congo to the Green Climate Fund: feasibility of biomass-to-energy projects
Main goals
The Republic of Congo expects to lose until 2020 about 500,000 hectares of forests, due to agro-industrial and mining development. As a result, the country’s engagements in terms of reduction of Greenhouse Effect Gases (GEG) emissions taken through the National Determinated Contribution (NDC) aim in particular the emissions coming from the Land use, land-use change, and forestry sector, source of more than thwo-thirds of the GEG émissions of the country. In order to reach this goal, The Republic of Congo expects to benefit from the support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The World Ressources Institute (WRI) has been asked to help the Congolese government to identify the priorities of the country in the identification of activities to be supported by the GCF. To do this, several studies will be realised to determine technical and financial feasibility of economic activities having an effect in reducing pressure on forestry resources, generating benefits to the rural communities and improve leur resilience to climate change. Nitidæ’s intervention is framed in one of the components, being the study and development of biomass-to-energy projects eligible to the GCF.
Specific objectives
Explore technical and financial feasibility of biomass-to-energy initiatives for energy production
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
General Directorate for Sustainable Development
Ministry of Forest Economy, Sustainable Development and Environment
R1. Technical and economical feasibility study of biomass-to-energy initiatives at a national level
R2. Cost-benefits analysis of the selected and dimensioned projects.
A1. Mapping and evaluation of existing projects and sites : waste biomass from forestry and agro-industrial activities, wood-energy plantations, improved carbonisation
A2. Selection and analysis of 3 strudy cases
A3. Dimensioning of the projects to be presented to the GCF
A4. Estimation of social, economic and carbon mitigation impacts of the selected projects
Related people
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