YAREDD - Feasibility study of a REDD+ project on the Mabi Yaya Nature Reserve in Côte d'Ivoire

July 2022
January 2023
Role in the project
REDD+ expertise


Côte d’Ivoire


Biodiversity Climate Forest REDD+ Remote sensing


Cocoa Coffee Hevea

Main goals

Study the feasibility of developing a REDD+ project carried out by the OIPR on the Mabi-Yaya Nature Reserve, according to the Verra standard, by comparing an old methodology (VM0007) with their new REDD methodology, to reduce deforestation and mobilize funds through carbon finance

Related people

Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work

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Matthieu Tiberghien

Holder of a Master's degree in Management from the Paris-Dauphine University and a Master in "Social Policies and Planning in developing Countries" from the London School of Economics, he brings his expertise in project building and project management in renewable energy, REDD+, technical engineering, economic and financial due diligence, business development, strategic partnerships, fundraising and human ressources management

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Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Benjamin Garnier

Agricultural Engineer, specialised in "quality of the environment and resources management", from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT). He brings his expertise in feasibility studies for investment funds, agricultural markets studies and analysis of value chains

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Country representative in Côte d'Ivoire

Renaud Lapeyre

PhD in environmental and development economics (ENS Cachan, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines), he is expert in conservation finance, including through ecotourism and innovative financial mechanisms (PES), and he specialised in international cooperation programs. He worked several years in Namibia, Morocco, and Kenya. In 2012, he joined Iddri (SciencesPo Paris) as senior researcher in biodiversity economics, before joining WWF France in 2017, as a manager for public sector partnerships

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REDD+ and agro value chains task officer / Agriculture & market / France

Apolline Reboud

A graduate of the Montpellier SupAgro school of agriculture with a course in Sustainable Agricultural and Agrifood Systems in the South, she also specialized in Environmental Management of Ecosystems and Tropical Forests at AgroParisTech. After having worked at CIFOR Cameroon on the subject of community forests and in an association managing carbon offset projects (reforestation, agroforestry and rural development) as project coordinator, she comes to bring her plural approach between management of agricultural systems and forest preservation

Mission officer / France

Etienne Duperron

Graduated of an agricultural engineering school (INP-ENSAT), he specialized in spatial information processing via the Master 2 in Geomatics Sciences in Environment and Planning (SIGMA) from the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès. After working for two years on forest degradation and reforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, he joined the team to provide support on processing, analysis and spatial modeling related to the development and sustainability of territories, mainly in Mozambique