How to anticipate the future impacts of climate change on biodiversity ?
• Importance of Mozambique’s Biodiversity due to mainly its large extent of remaining Miombo ecosystem (40% of the country extent)
• Mozambique Biodiversity is under major threats, due to land use changes (~220 000 ha of deforestation per year) and climate changes processes
• Lack of available data and knowledge regarding species occurrence and distribution at national scale
• New spatial modeling tools that combine biodiversity’s observations with environmental variables enable to provide rapid, large-scale, current and future biodiversity distribution patterns
The final goal of this study is to support the identification of high priority areas for biodiversity conservation
• Test the speciesaltas R packages to develop species distributions maps over Mozambique
• Produce scenarios of biodiversity evolution under climate change
- Collect biodiversity observations (point locations)
- Derive and select the relevant environnemental variables
- Model species distribution using SDMs
- Combine all the results (# models, # species)
- Apply land use change and climate change scenarios
- Assess hot spots of biodiversity and priorities of conservation
See presentation below