Start of practical training in the operation of biomass gasification plants for IED Côte d'Ivoire staff in Cambodia
Elysée Yao and Karim Karidioula, 2 engineers from the IED Côte d'Ivoire office in Abidjan, started a week ago, practical training with the teams of IED Invest Cambodia, which operate the gasification plants of Angkor Chum and Sra Emm.
Over the next three months, they will be trained in the operation and maintenance of the installations, work on the development of operating procedures and training materials in French, but also take part in carrying out new adaptation tests for cashew shell gasifiers and the optimization of gas treatment.
This strengthening between sister company skills aims to set up a qualified technical team based in West Africa. They will thus be able to effectively support the AGRO_GAZELEC project supported by the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) consisting of the transfer of technology from Cambodia to West Africa with the aim of promoting the development of a local industrial sector as well as that of a first pilot plant for the agro-industrial TOLARO, with the support of the facility OCEF - Off Grid Clean Energy Facility / Millennium Challenge Account - Benin II (MCA -Benin II).
We wish a good Cambodian adventure to our 2 Ivorian engineers!
#formation #technologie #afrique #environnement #energiesrenouvelables
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