News - Oct 4, 2017
Mé REDD+ Project launched its major mass sensitization
The mass sensitization aims to better understand the existing opportunities offered by the land and forest legislation at the rural communities.
A new Forest Code was adopted in 2014 by Ivory Coast but it is still too little known in rural communities. This also applies to the Rural Land Act from 1998.
Besides radio shows soon to be widely broadcasted in the region, Projet REDD+ de la Mé Team launched a major mass sensitization in 20 villages surrounding Mabi and Yaya classified forests.
After the 20 first sessions (70 are planned), it is more than 2000 people that have been impacted which demonstrate the interest taken by rural communities on important topics for their development such as forest conservation: transfer of tree ownership from the State towards common law holders, procedure and cost of land certificate (individual or collective), classified forests rights-of-use, etc.