News - Jun 3, 2024

We are recruiting a management controller at the headquarters in Lyon on a fixed-term contract

Join the team! Nitidæ is around fifty agriculture-environment-market-forest-bioenergy projects..., in Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal and more than 175 colleagues!

Position mission

The Program Financial Management Control Officer is responsible for the good administrative and financial management of the programs under his or her charge. He/she also ensures the operationality and evolution of the structuring of administrative and financial services as well as the associated tools to guarantee compliance with donor rules in the use of funds entrusted to the programs.


  • Garantir la qualité de la comptabilité et le respect du cycle comptable lors du traitement des comptabilités terrain transmises au siège
  • Vérifier mensuellement les comptabilités de l’ensemble des missions et de leur intégration dans le logiciel siège
  • Vérifier et commenter les rapports financiers des partenaires locaux.
  • Assurer le pilotage budgétaire, anticiper et émettre des recommandations pour faciliter les décisions
  • Assurer la gestion financière et administrative des contrats (propositions, rapports, demande d’avenant, demande de versement, clôture du contrat, audit)
  • Contrôler les besoins et le flux de trésorerie sur la mission en lien avec le terrain et le Responsable du département financier
  • Participer activement au travail d’audit interne de la mission ainsi qu’à la mise en application et la mise à jour des procédures internes, bonne pratiques et outils de gestion
  • Assurer le recrutement et la formation du personnel financier aux procédures de gestion financière et comptable
  • Participer au développement d’outils et de procédures de gestion et à la capitalisation d’expériences
  • Effectuer d’autres tâches éventuellement non listées ici et relevant de sa compétence.


  • Guarantee the quality of accounting and compliance with the accounting cycle when processing field accounts transmitted to headquarters
  • Check monthly the accounts of all missions and their integration into the headquarters software
  • Check and comment on the financial reports of local partners.
  • Ensure budgetary management, anticipate and issue recommendations to facilitate decisions
  • Ensure the financial and administrative management of contracts (proposals, reports, amendment request, payment request, contract closure, audit)
  • Control the needs and cash flow on the mission in conjunction with the field and the Head of the financial department
  • Actively participate in the internal audit work of the mission as well as in the implementation and updating of internal procedures, good practices and management tools
  • Ensure the recruitment and training of financial staff in financial management and accounting procedures
  • Participate in the development of management tools and procedures and the capitalization of experiences
  • Carry out other tasks possibly not listed here and falling within their competence.
Interested? Download the full offer here