We're hiring ! 2 positions for the PAPBio Comoé project: monitoring/evaluation and agricultural development animation
The overall objective of the PAPBio Comoé project is to promote endogenous, sustainable and inclusive economic development around the biodiversity area of Mont Tingi on the outskirts of the Comoé National Park located in northern Côte d'Ivoire. Three main results must be achieved by the project:
- Stakeholders trained and involved in a regional dialogue allowing for concerted management of natural resources (elaboration of the Regional Land Use and Development Plan for the Tchologo region)
- The villages targeted by the project are officially demarcated and have Local Development Plans which integrate the challenges of preserving natural resources and have financing plans
- The production capacities and valorization of natural resources by the populations are improved, in particular by the realization of productive investments carried out and managed in an inclusive and transparent way in the sectors of agriculture, livestock and ecotourism
For the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, your mission will be to develop and coordinate the monitoring and evaluation system of the project which will mainly concern the communities living near the Mt-Tingui Bio-Diversity Zone in collaboration with the Project Manager and in good understanding with your other collaborators and to participate fully in the reporting of activities with donors and technical and financial partners.
>> Download the complete job offer here
For the position of Animator of Agricultural and Local Development, you will be responsible for the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the various activities dedicated to the agricultural and local development of the project which will mainly concern the communities bordering the Mt-Tingui Bio-Diversity Zone.
>> Download the complete job offer here
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