ADRYADA - Technical assistance in the Haut-Sassandra classified forest and its periphery in Côte d'Ivoire

April 2023
August 2023
Project cost
50 000 €
Role in the project
Forest & market expertise


Côte d’Ivoire


Agriculture Forest Market Remote sensing




Main goals

Technical assistance to aDryada in the Haut-Sassandra classified forest and its outskirts in Côte d'Ivoire

Specific objectives

SO1. Mapping of agricultural land use in the forest and its periphery
SO2. Methodological support for the agrarian diagnosis underway in the area with a young agricultural engineer
SO3. Sector/market study of the peripheral area to identify agricultural and forestry opportunities on the local, national and international market
SO4. Reflection workshop following the diagnosis on the prospects for development and agricultural dynamics that can be undertaken in the periphery of the forest

Related people


Cédric Rabany

Holder of a Master of Science, "Agricultural Engineer and territories development" from the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISARA Lyon), he brings his expertise in agro-food/agricultural sectors' analysis and development, strengthening of supplychain actors (producers, private/public actors, agro-food industries...), socio-economic analysis of agricultural chains and his great knowledge of companies in these markets

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Project Manager / France

Noémie Rullier

Holder of an Engineering diploma in Agronomy, specializing in Sustainable agricultural & Agri-Food systems for the South, from Montpellier SupAgro- Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), she brings her expertise to support technical changes and development processes in rural area; to support farm advisory, training engineering and plant biology research

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Project Manager / France

Clovis Grinand

PhD in Functional Ecology and Agronomic Sciences (SupAgro, IRD and CIRAD) and specialized in Localized Information Systems for Spatial Planning (AgroParisTech), he is an expert in land use change monitoring using remote sensing, digital soil mapping and spatial modeling applied to forestry, agronomy and landscape ecology. He is the author of numerous international scientific publications.

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