AFRICOMPOST - Valorising urban organic waste into compost (and other products) in order to improve waste management system and develop local agriculture in five African cities
Main goals
In developing countries, waste management is a major challenge since there is limited financial access and at the same time the municipalities are facing large and increasing amounts of wastes.
In addition, the anaerobic (without oxygen) decomposition of the organic matter in the household waste leads to large quantities of methane emissions, a powerful greenhouse gas (GHG).
Specific objectives
Led by the consortium GoodPlanet Foundation-Gevalor-Etc Terra, the AFRICOMPOST programme was initiated from its first project developed in Mahajanga (Madagascar), and aims at tackling these issues through the development of waste treatment and valorisation units in 4 other African cities
Waste treatment and valorisation improve the local waste management system by sorting out and composting the waste, while reducing their impact on the environment, particularly in terms of greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs). In addition, the production of compost also contributes to the development of local agriculture and is accompanied by the creating local employment opportunities for the most disadvantaged populations.
R1. Treatment of 40-50 000 tonnes of waste per year
R2. Reduction of pollution caused by poorly controlled landfill site (infections, human and animal diseases, fires, particulate matter emissions, landslides, pollution)
R3. Avoid the carbon emission of around 150,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in ten years
R4. Organic fertilizers (thanks to compost) and reduction of chemical fertilizers utilisation by local farmers
R5. Creation of a composting unit, hiring dozens of employees who, for most of them were informal workers and enjoy better working conditions and medical follow-up
R6. Production of an organic fertilizer that will contribute to the rehabilitation of eroded soils
R7. Implementation of a waste valorization service, allowing substantial savings to the municipality in the management of their waste
A1. After a first phase of investment and empowerment, the financial sustainability of composting units will be provided by the combined activities of compost sales and the carbon credits arising from the avoided GHG emissions due to a systematic and controlled treatment of the organic waste. The composting process integrates with the urban waste management policy as defined by the local governing body. It ensures proper collection of waste, provision of land for composting and equipped facilities for the composting units. The local operator (civil society organization) manages the treatment and repurposing unit, creating awareness programmes among the population and the promoting the use of the organic compost by the local farmers
A2. Through proper training and monitoring, the local operators within a period of about 4 to 6 years can independently manage the composting units. They will master not only the preparation and sale of high-quality compost, but also the monitoring of the methane emissions, which are required to calculate and generate carbon credits. These two sources of income will ensure, for the most part, the financial sustainability of the projects. The transfer of skills carried out by Etc Terra and Gevalor enables the local partners to use their acquired experience to replicate similar projetcs in other cities
RE-SOURCES - Platform for promoting was…