RE-SOURCES - Platform for promoting waste recovery in Africa and the Caribbean
Main goals
The ultimate goal of this network is to bring to the attention of policy makers, clear messages on strategies to adopt in reducing, reusing and recycling waste. In contrast to the hectic management of exponential quantities of waste produced by southern cities, the network will look for economically and technically viable solutions, leading to positive impacts for local populations
Specific objectives
Produce 10 technical manuals on waste management
More than 300 people will be trained by the end of the project. These working groups should develop training modules on waste management for local authorities technical services, NGOs and national authorities.
Field experiences of the platform members and the opportunity to confront each other legitimize the relevance of this network. Thus, platform members rely on several years of pre-collection, composting, plastic recycling, production of alternative fuels and biogas. These operations take into account the collection issues of the municipalities and recyclers activities in their strategy.
More informations on the site of the Platform
Based in Ouagadougou, the Re-Sources center is composed of 3 persons responsible for coordinating the production of thematic working groups, involving 11 operational partners and founders of the platform, and other relevant associated structures in the field of waste management. Following a first phase, best practices will be validated, and 10 manuals produced and disseminated to allow replication of the first projects in other countries.
ReSources - Network for a sustainable waste management - Reportage - 6 Min
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