ARTUNI - Project to promote Tunisian handicrafts

April 2009
April 2009
Project cost
7 000 €
Role in the project


France Tunisia



Main goals

The aim was to enable a group of Tunisian artisans from the Gabès Region to better know the French market and to promote their products


R1. Organization of the stay of the craftsmen in Lyon: reception, visits...
R2. Realization of a market study
R3. Writing recommendations


RONGEAD was commissioned in this project, to carry out a study of the possible positioning of Tunisian handicraft products, to make recommendations and to organize the reception and the visits of places and distribution networks (craft stores and importers of the sector fair trade, trade fairs and exhibitions).

Eager to export their products and curious about the French market - even European - and trends in design, these craftsmen have discovered Lyon and its many craft and decoration stores. This visit of the craftsmen of Gabès was thus also an extraordinary opportunity for the French actors of the sector of the craftsmanship to better know the know-how and the potential of these true artists of the desert: it was a unique opportunity for to meet, in a friendly and friendly setting, the universe of Tunisian creation and the world of French traders and creators.