BIZCOOP - Analysis of profitability and access to agroforestry for cocoa growers of the Ecookim federation of cooperatives

March 2022
September 2022
Project cost
30 000 €
Role in the project
Agroforestry, market, financing expertise


Côte d’Ivoire


Agriculture Agroforestry Forest Market


Cocoa Cashew

Main goals

Analyze the activities to be financed to promote the transition to agroforestry of cocoa growers who are members of Ecookim cooperatives

Specific objectives

SO1. Assess the effectiveness of actions already taken by Ecookim to promote agroforestry among its members (production and distribution of agroforestry trees by the FOA partner)
SO2. Analyze the economic profitability of agroforestry systems promoted to producers
SO3. Recommend additional actions to be financed with Ecookim to strengthen the transition to agroforestry
SO4. Evaluate the financial feasibility of a loan from Ecookim to finance the actions identified

Related people

Value chain project manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Léo Godard

Agronomist with a degree from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT), he works on the analysis of agroindustrial projects and provide consultancy for promoters and investors of agro value chains. He also provides technical assistance and consultancy for small to large scale agricultural to switch to organic or regenerative practices

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Cédric Rabany

Holder of a Master of Science, "Agricultural Engineer and territories development" from the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISARA Lyon), he brings his expertise in agro-food/agricultural sectors' analysis and development, strengthening of supplychain actors (producers, private/public actors, agro-food industries...), socio-economic analysis of agricultural chains and his great knowledge of companies in these markets

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Agricultural Trainer Adviser / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Kouadio Ange François Konan

Holder of a BTS in Tropical Agriculture and Plant Production, Ange held various positions of agricultural adviser and technician (Nestlé R & D) before joining Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in April 2018. He brings his expertise in the production of organic cocoa and in the frame of the producers of the REDD + Project of the Mé and CERTIBIO

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Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Benjamin Garnier

Agricultural Engineer, specialised in "quality of the environment and resources management", from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT). He brings his expertise in feasibility studies for investment funds, agricultural markets studies and analysis of value chains

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Field team leader / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Dihe Paris Toman

Senior Technician in Farm Management, Paris held various positions (Livestock Facilitator with GTZ, Trainer and Food Security with Action Against Hunger, etc.) before joining the team of the REDD + Project of the Mé in January 2017 as an Agricultural Trainer Adviser.

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Country representative in Côte d'Ivoire

Renaud Lapeyre

PhD in environmental and development economics (ENS Cachan, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines), he is expert in conservation finance, including through ecotourism and innovative financial mechanisms (PES), and he specialised in international cooperation programs. He worked several years in Namibia, Morocco, and Kenya. In 2012, he joined Iddri (SciencesPo Paris) as senior researcher in biodiversity economics, before joining WWF France in 2017, as a manager for public sector partnerships. At Nitidae since September 2021, Renaud was PRM2 Project Manager from 2021 to March 2024

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Project Manager / France

Noémie Rullier

Holder of an Engineering diploma in Agronomy, specializing in Sustainable agricultural & Agri-Food systems for the South, from Montpellier SupAgro- Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), she brings her expertise to support technical changes and development processes in rural area; to support farm advisory, training engineering and plant biology research

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