BOVIVE - Technical assistance on the energy and climate policy of the City of Bouaké
Main goals
Technical assistance on the energy and climate policy of the City of Bouaké
Specific objectives
Bouaké, Green City - Decentralized Cooperation, or BOVIVE-CD, aims to contribute to the fight against climate change by making Bouake a Green City. More specifically, it is expected at the end of the project that Bouake will be a leading and active member of a network of reciprocal exchanges of cities on the fight against climate change.
City of Bouake
** R1. ** Awareness raising: The population, companies and public administrative services of Bouaké initiate actions of eco-citizen thanks to their sensitization and their support by the Commune on Sustainable Development
** R2. ** Energy and climate planning: The municipality of Bouaké builds local governance on sustainable development by drawing up its planning document "Energy and Climate"
** R3. ** Pilot actions: The commune of Bouaké becomes exemplary by model and experimental actions for the fight against climate change
** R4. ** Decentralized Cooperation Network: The achievements are shared and disseminated at the level of national and international regional networks
** A1. ** Scoping of the study
** A2. ** Diagnosis preparation and diagnosis 1
** A3. ** Data mining
** A4. ** Diagnosis 2 and finalization of the reference state
** A5. ** Establishment of scenarios
** A6. ** Establishment of the final scenario
Related documents

Diagnosis for the study of the orientation of the energy and climate policy of the commune of Bouaké

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Related people
Etienne Perrier
Having graduated from the Engineering School INSA of Lyon as an Engineer in Energy & Environment, option "Thermal systems engineering", Section "Top-level sport", he brings his expertise in renewable thermal systems implementation and analysis, in the food processing industry (shea and cashew), waste recycling and training of local experts
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Design & Mechanical Engineer, specialised in "Energy and industrial technician in mechanical production" from the Ecole Polytechnique of Abomey Calavi (EPAC) in Benin, he brings his expertise in renewable energy including biomass energy recovery and industrial process
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PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work
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