CERETIF - Support for the establishment of certified organic (BIO / FFL / FLO) sectors

May 2018
December 2019
Project cost
13 000 €
Role in the project
Support and certification expert


Burkina Faso


Agriculture Organic Agriculture Market


Millet Sesame Sorghum



Main goals

Support for the establishment of certified organic (BIO / FFL / FLO) sectors in Burkina Faso in partnership with 2 producers' organizations (POs), including the Shea Butter Producers Network of the Hauts Bassins and Cascades (RPBHC).

Specific objectives

  • Analyze the situation of the sectors within POs and establish a plan of compliance with the 3 standards
  • Establish the cultural practices and organizational rules compliant with the standards and the necessary documentation, in particular for the Internal Control System (ICS)
  • Accompany the POs in the various stages of the project: understanding, contracting, planning, production monitoring, completion of post-processing and shipping operations
  • Facilitate relations with the buyer, planning and contracting (analysis of production costs, post-harvest and logistics, validation of schedules)


Producers members of the 2 OPs


** R1. ** Accompanying a test for several tons of sorghum and millet
** R2. ** Final report: review of the operation, technical itinerary put in place and information on impacts


** A1. ** Follow-up sessions of the project with POs by the field team. The purpose of the sessions is to explain the project to POs and members, facilitate discussions on the contract, monitor production conditions and assist the PO in production, post-harvest and shipping.
** A2. ** Technical advice to members of the cooperative for the production of organic cereals: field visits by agronomists Nitidæ.
** A3. ** White audit mission in production environment to control the different aspects of the production.
** A4. ** Support for setting up the export chain: identification of service providers for dehulling, cleaning, packaging, transit and shipping.
** A5. ** Administrative support of the project: contract, export authorization, health certificates ...

Related people

Project manager / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Julia Artigas Sancho

Process engineer and holder of a European MsC in Renewable energies, she works on energy-related issues in African industry, since 2016. Process optimization and agri-waste-to-energy systems are her main expertise areas: appropriate technologies, training on operation and maintenance, biofuels…

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