CHARBOM - Agronomic due diligence of a biochar production investment project in Brazil

January 2024
February 2024
Project cost
41 000 €
Role in the project
Due diligence expertise




Agriculture Bioenergy Climate Market



Main goals

An investment fund is considering a potential equity investment in a biochar company linked with carbon credits based in Latin America and West Africa. Biochar is a recent and promising market; however, it sparks debates on several points. For these reasons,the fund mandates Nitidæ that could investigate these subjects and provide insights to challenge the targeted company’s business model and impact.

Specific objectives

SO1. Evaluate agronomic effects and carbon sequestration potential of the use of biochar produced by the targeted company as a soil amendment for local farmers.
SO2. Assessment of the biomass resources availability as raw material for biochar production.
SO3. Analysis of the biochar regional / national market and initiatives.
OS4. Assessment of the operations of the targeted company (business model, team capacities and R&D program regarding monitoring of biochar impacts).

Related people

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Agronomy Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

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