Valéry Bourotte

Agronomy Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France
Years of experience
16 years
Key qualifications
- Management of a plantation of 60 employees
- Coordination of a team of 25 technicians
Territorial and agrarian diagnostics
- Carrying out individual diagnoses or as team leader for public organizations and NGOs in various geographical contexts
- Production of realistic technical, economic, social and environmental recommendation documents to meet customer needs
- Creation of agroforestry development plans in various territories for the private and public sector
- Technical management of a 500 Ha agroforestry plantation of Hevea associated with Plantain Banana
- Technical analysis of family agroforestry plantations based on cocoa, cashew, fruit orchards, food crops, etc.
Participatory approach
- Participatory search for solutions to promote natural resources with its direct and indirect users
- Participatory mapping of territories for the implementation of agroforestry development plans
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