CTACV - Educational tools on Agricultural Value Chains

May 2014
May 2015
Project cost
45 000 €
Role in the project


Benin Burkina Faso Côte d’Ivoire Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Madagascar Mali Senegal Togo


Agriculture Market


Peanut Banana Cocoa Cashew Cereal Cotton Fertilizer Fonio Gum arabic Hevea Palm oil Shea Corn Cassava Millet Cowpea Onion Rice Sesame Sorghum

Main goals

Drafting of training materials to promote the development of value chains and agribusiness in ACP countries.

Specific objectives

Improve relations between actors to structure agricultural chains and make each actor’s income sustainable thanks to the development of training material on agricultural value chains.


Direct and indirect actors of the agricultural value chains in ACP Countries.


R1. Support "producers" : « The Agricultural Marketing: Build an Agricultural Value Chain to improve the living conditions ».
R2. Downstream support : « The Agricultural Marketing: Build an Agricultural Value Chain to improve the living conditions ».
R3. The materials were field tested with actors of the shea sector in Burkina Faso and cashew sector in Kenya.
R4. They were also used for an intervention at Peleforo Gon Coulibaly University of Korhogo in Ivory Coast for students in Master 1 "Agropastoral Industries Management".
R5. Two pedagogical videos made in partnership with Scientific Animation Without Borders (SAWBO), a laboratory of the University of Illinois in the United States.
R6. The proposed supports consist of images that are designed to be easily adapted to local contexts and sectors. The drawings, like all the supports included, are placed under "Creative Commons", so they are freely modifiable, adaptable and repeatable.


A1. Module 1 is primarily intended for farmers and leaders of producers’ organizations but it can also be interesting to use it to train small traders or artisanal processors.The overall objective of the module is to explain to the actors in the upstream value chain the importance of managing their business risks and work to adapt to the specifics of the demand and to the constraints of the actors in the downstream value chain. In order to increase sustainably their incomes in a more efficient value chain.
A2. Module 2 is primarily intended for people who work downstream in the agricultural sectors (wholesale marketing, import / export, food processing, distribution) or for people involved in consulting, expertise or agricultural sectors regulation. It can also be used for training students in the University or in a professional context (agrofood industries). The overall objective of this module is to explain to the actors of the downstream value chain and those working across all agricultural sectors the specificity of these sectors in terms of risk. Therefore the project propose tools and strategies to improve trade relations and build efficient value chains. As for the module for producers, this module can be freely adapted to the needs and specificity of each sector.

Related people

Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Julien Gonnet

Holder of a Professional Master II in Sustainable Development from the University of Geneva and a Master I in Geography from the University of Jean Moulin, he brings his expertise in project and studies building and management on agricultural markets, the use of ICT within the agriculture sector, the implementation of certification (organic, fair...) and engineering training

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Project officer / Agriculture & Market / France

Pierre Ricau

Holder of a Master Degree in "Agricultural Development and Economic Policies" from the Institute of Development Studies (IEDES), Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University and AgroParisTech. He brings his expertise in agricultural market analysis (especially cashew, sesame, shea, cocoa, hevea, corn, rice and onion), development of agro-food sectors, training engineering and consultancy on public agricultural/agro-industrial policies

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Project Officer / France

François Griffon

Holder of a Master's degree in "Sustainable Farming and Agri-food Systems in the South", specialised in "Markets, Organization, Quality and Services" from Montpellier SupAgro - Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), he brings his expertise in sector and value chain analysis, market studies, quality management and farmers' organisations services and support

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