EMIVAL - Technical assistance to Valrhona for the assessment of GHG emissions, offset projects and the implementation of a carbon/biodiversity strategy

September 2022
February 2024
Role in the project
Carbon expertise


Belize Brazil Côte d’Ivoire Dominican Republic Ecuador Ghana Grenada Haiti Indonesia Madagascar Peru São Tomé & Príncipe


Agroforestry Biodiversity Climate Degradation-Restoration Forest REDD+ Remote sensing




Main goals

Valrhona's ultimate goal is full scope carbon neutrality by 2025. Valrhona controls its supply chains through long-term partnerships. For certain origins, it seems that the GHG emissions used to calculate Valrhona's carbon footprint are very far from reality. The study carried out on Madagascar CARBOVAL has shown the relevance of evaluating in situ the real impacts in terms of GHG emissions and compensation options. The aim here is to deploy the method to all supply geographies.

Specific objectives

SO1. Deployment of a method for assessing GHG emissions in cocoa supply areas according to methods that comply with international standards (Verra, Gold Standard, Plan Vivo, etc.) and reflect the realities of the ground
SO2. Feasibility of its carbon offsetting strategy, integrating if possible insetting initiatives in supply areas
SO3. Technical assistance for defining the implementation of a carbon/biodiversity strategy

Related people


Cédric Rabany

Holder of a Master of Science, "Agricultural Engineer and territories development" from the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISARA Lyon), he brings his expertise in agro-food/agricultural sectors' analysis and development, strengthening of supplychain actors (producers, private/public actors, agro-food industries...), socio-economic analysis of agricultural chains and his great knowledge of companies in these markets

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Ny Avy Andriamisaina

Forestry engineer, specialized on "Ecosystem and Biodiversity" and graduated from ESSA (Madagascar), she joined the team with her skills in biodiversity conservation, forest management and natural resources management. With her experience in assessing threats to protected areas, TNRM (Transfer of Natural Resources Management) and community support in conservation, she contributes to the implementation of different projects.

GIS, Remote Sensing and Carbon Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Fety Abel Rakotomalala

Currently a PhD student, he holds a DEA of Physics, specialised in "geophysics, remote sensing and GIS" from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo in Madagascar (IOGA). He brings his expertise to the impacts of deforestation, above-ground biomass mapping and scenario development of carbon emissions

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Project officer / Forest & REDD + / France

Frédérique Montfort

Doctor of AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, she brings her expertise on the biodiversity component and on the degradation and restoration of forest landscapes. She joined N’Lab de Nitidæ in 2017 to carry out her thesis with the association, UR Forêts & Sociétés and UMR Tétis on the degradation and restoration of Miombo forest landscapes in Mozambique. She is currently conducting studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) on various projects of the association

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Matthieu Tiberghien

Holder of a Master's degree in Management from the Paris-Dauphine University and a Master in "Social Policies and Planning in developing Countries" from the London School of Economics, he brings his expertise in project building and project management in renewable energy, REDD+, technical engineering, economic and financial due diligence, business development, strategic partnerships, fundraising and human ressources management

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Value chain project manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Léo Godard

Agronomist with a degree from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT), he works on the analysis of agroindustrial projects and provide consultancy for promoters and investors of agro value chains. He also provides technical assistance and consultancy for small to large scale agricultural to switch to organic or regenerative practices

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Carbon task officer / Forest & REDD+ / France

Lucas Veysman

Agricultural engineer with training in “Agricultural Development” at AgroParisTech. After working on the development of public policies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the Banque de France, he joined the team with his expertise in the decarbonization of agricultural sectors. He is specialized in evaluating the quantities of greenhouse gases emitted, avoided and sequestered during Nitidæ projects. His other mission is to calculate greenhouse gas emissions generated by supplies of tropical products, particularly for sectors sensitive to changes in land use