Fety Abel Rakotomalala
Currently a PhD student, he holds a DEA of Physics, specialised in "geophysics, remote sensing and GIS" from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo in Madagascar (IOGA). He brings his expertise to the impacts of deforestation, above-ground biomass mapping and scenario development of carbon emissions.
He worked for two years as a remote sensor and GIS specialist on projects for biodiversity and sustainable management of environment in Madagascar and the Comoros. He joined Etc Terra in July 2012 and he is currently working on his thesis which is linked to various projects of Nitidæ in Madagascar (i.e. PHCF and Mahavotra), entitled "Mesure et suivi de la déforestation, de la dégradation et de la régénération forestière dans l’écorégion des forêts humides de Madagascar".