KARITANE - Research & Development, training, advising and technological support technical assistance for shea butter women’s producers in Burkina Faso
Main goals
RONGEAD wishes to ensure the research & development of technologies adapted to the shea butter processing in order to reduce the environmental impacts as well as technical and organizational assistance to the groups of women producing shea butter
Specific objectives
- To reduce the environmental impacts related to the processing of almonds into shea butter and, by indirect impacts, to improve working conditions for women.
- To reduce the painful work of women related to the processing of almonds into shea butter.
- To provide a support in terms of training in soil fertility within the frame of the development of certified organic shea production.
5,000 women producers of shea
R1. To conduct "environmental & painfulness" diagnoses of the different processing techniques representative of each of the targeted unions in order to draw up appropriate Research & Development plans
R2. To establish an applied research and development system targeting technologies enabling to reduce environmental impacts and contributing indirectly to reduce the painfulness of work
R3. To conduct training activities for women's groups, according to themes defined in partnership with the groups
A1. To improve the energy and environmental efficiency of the processing technique of shea almonds into butter by the targeted groups of women
A2. To facilitate the access for the groups to certifications of gathering and sustainable production
A3. To provide useful information adapted to the actors of the shea sector and to the groups of women producers (financing opportunities, general context of the sector...)
A4. To seek funding from external donors to enable unions to acquire these technologies
Related people
Etienne Perrier
Having graduated from the Engineering School INSA of Lyon as an Engineer in Energy & Environment, option "Thermal systems engineering", Section "Top-level sport", he brings his expertise in renewable thermal systems implementation and analysis, in the food processing industry (shea and cashew), waste recycling and training of local experts
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Holder of a Master of Science, "Agricultural Engineer and territories development" from the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISARA Lyon), he brings his expertise in agro-food/agricultural sectors' analysis and development, strengthening of supplychain actors (producers, private/public actors, agro-food industries...), socio-economic analysis of agricultural chains and his great knowledge of companies in these markets
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