MAHAVOTRA - Pilot project to evaluate the carbon impact through changes in agricultural practices in Madagascar
Main goals
The Itasy agricultural region, south of Antananarivo, is dominated by rice cultivation. Its proximity to the capital allows producers to take advantage of a big distribution market and of an existing trade network for agricultural products. Although partly situated in a volcanic zone with relatively rich soil, the agricultural terrain is heavily degraded, erosion is frequent, and forests are rapidly disappearing. The region’s agricultural production systems are in decline and need to evolve in order to survive.
Specific objectives
The objective is to train 1,200 farm families spread throughout 8 rural cities (Alatsinainikely, Ambohitrambo, Ampahimanga, Ankaranana, Analavory, Arivonimamo II, Imerintsiatosika, Miarinarivo II) in the implementation of agro-ecological practices and to restore 900 ha of degraded land, in particular by planting 500,000 trees integrated into the farming systems.
- 1200 agricultural households in 8 rural communities (Alatsinainikely, Ambohitrambo, Ampahimanga, Ankaranana, Analavory, Arivonimamo II, Imerintsiatosika, Miarinarivo II)
- Restore 900 ha of degraded land by planting 500 000 integrated trees in farming systems
R1. Fighting climate change by reducing the GHG emissions of agricultural practices and carbon storage in the soil and the tree biomass
R2. The agroecological component which aims to restore the local environment and the adoption of efficient and sustainable agricultural practices
R3. The carbon component, which aims to assess the impact of these actions on climate change mitigation
R4. Improved food safety
R5. Improvement and diversification of rural incomes in the mid- and long-term
A1. Maintenance and growth of forest cover
A2. Protection of agricultural parcels and reduction of soil erosion
A3. Improved availability and quality of water resources
A4. Improved retention of minerals in the soil
A5. Reduced use of synthetic chemical inputs
A6. Reduced environmental impact of livestock activities by improving available forage
A7. Revitalization of agriculture and sustainable improvement of agricultural production
A8. Reduced vulnerability of farm families through the creation of forest resources that can be mobilized in case of operational difficulties
A9. Development of marginal terrains leading to a diversification of rural activities and the creation of new jobs (lumberjacks, sawyers, carpenters, coal producers...)
A10. Improvement of local skills through training and advisory support
A11. Formalization of land titles with a view towards official recognition of customary land rights
A12. Maintenance and/or growth in the size of production units
A13. Development of a new source of project financing through carbon finance
Présentation Mahavotra : Pilot project to evaluate the carbon impact through changes in agricultural practices in Madagascar
The outcome of Mahavotra project : Agroecology and Farm Forestry in Itasy
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