MANIOBE - Support for the development of the cassava sector in the Bélier region
Main goals
Nitidæ and the company CLEXTRAL are working with the AURA Region to carry out a diagnostic and quality control tests in order to foster the sustainable industrialization of the attiéké sector in the Bélier region.
Specific objectives
To bring about the emergence of a sustainable, industrial model of attiéké production in the Bélier region, which could attract potential investors willing to establish themselves as long-term producers, with exports perspectives on regional and European final markets.
Actors of the attiéké sector in Ivory Coast.
R1. Diagnostic of the attiéké sector
R2. Technical and feasability study
R3. Industrial tests
The project is based on a first diagnosis of the sector and on quality tests of locally processed "attiéké" products, with a view to developing a multi-year program to strengthen the production, processing and marketing of cassava products in the Bélier region. The diagnostic focuses on the Bélier region, in which the study will be conducted, but it also takes into account potential pespectives in the sub-region and in the whole country.
** A1. ** Diagnosis of the cassava and attiéké sector in the Bélier region and at national level
- Analysis of the sector: identification of supply sources, description of cassava production, identification of production weaknesses and potential room for improvement...
- Market analysis: description of production and consumption trends, identification of supply and distribution channels (Bélier / Ivory Coast), evaluation of market operators, identification of local and national actors, typology of consumed products, analysis of consumers' requirements, identification of potential final markets ...
** A2. ** Technical and feasability study
- Feasibility study related to the application of CLEXTRAL technologies: detailed description of the processsing mechanism of attiéké, identification of key production parameters (especially those applying to the first transformation of cassava dough), mapping of the actors producing the munufacturing machines for this process, drafting of recommandations and solutions for the integration of the first transformation into CLEXTRAL process ...
** A3. ** Industrial tests
- Confirmation of the industrialisation feasability and perspectives with CLEXTRAL equipment: Test 1: analysis of material reaction / Test 2: study on the feasibility of cassava "couscous" production
Related documents

Summary of the Attiéké sector study in Côte d'Ivoire production, processing, market

Diagnostic of the cassava production chain in Cote d’Ivoire

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