MIKAMO - Project to set up a processing platform for local products adapted to the consumption of rural and urban households
Main goals
Sustainably increase the share of local consumption of local products while improving product quality for better access to markets
Specific objectives
0S1. Create decent jobs for young people and women
0S2. Bring added value to local products
0S3. Sustainably provide innovative solutions in the production, processing and marketing of local products through environmentally friendly agro-ecological practices
The priority targets identified to benefit from this project are members of shea butter processing groups who are mainly women (1800) and young people (1200) who will be particularly involved in the marketing component
R1. 33 jobs are created
R2. Strengthening the production capacities of three green butter production units to reach 200 tonnes, i.e. 50% increase
R3. Capacity building for 150 producers and 3000 women producers on various modern themes of local development
R4. 3 certification of products to SPG and NBF standards
R5. 50% increase in the use of biodegradable packaging
R6. 3 sales contracts with local consumers
A1. Equip the three (3) units with modern equipment and processing and packaging in stainless steel (crusher, churn, mills)
A2. Train women processors on the use of equipment
A3. Train women in butter production techniques, hygiene, health and safety
A4. Set up honey and moringa processing units in accordance with local consumer demand
A5. Train the team on good hygiene, packaging and practices for honey
A6. Provide beekeepers with material / equipment for honey production
A7. Train women on production techniques and management of moringa plants
A8. Set up a semi-unit for processing and packaging moringa into different product ranges (tea, juice, capsule, syrup)
A9. Certify processing units to SPG and NBF standards for their products
A10. Train 10 young people called "Sales force" specialized in the promotion of local processed products
A11. Put in place promotional tools (in French and Dioula) such as posters, leaflets, to support the actions of the sales force
A12. Initiate a monthly market for the sale of products at promotional prices
Related people

Adeline Dorothée Kando
Socio-anthropologist and committed to gender issues and women's leadership in Burkina Faso, Adeline has joined the team in Burkina Faso since March 2019 and holds the position of Project manager of Shea sector
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