MINIFORET - Feasibility study for the definition and establishment of a mini forest for UEBT in Madagascar

December 2021
December 2022
Role in the project
Forest and biodiversity expertise




Biodiversity Climate Degradation-Restoration Forest Remote sensing

Main goals

Feasibility study and the establishment of a mini-forest in Ankarahara, Ambohibary Commune, Alaotra Mangoro Region as part of the BioInnovation Africa project

Specific objectives

SO1. Study of ecological conditions, definition of technical parameters for the establishment of the mini-forest and the species to be established in the new forest
SO2. Analyze the social context at the scale of Fokontany and its surroundings in order to identify the parameters to be taken into account to identify a socially acceptable area
SO3. Finalize the location of potential areas and their advantages and disadvantages, both in human, social and environmental terms, allowing a choice to be validated
SO4. Propose a dimensioned methodology, a development and management plan for the mini-forest and carry out its implementation
SO5. Make a forecast of future positive and negative environmental impacts, but also on the economic or social level

Related people

Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Ny Avy Andriamisaina

Forestry engineer, specialized on "Ecosystem and Biodiversity" and graduated from ESSA (Madagascar), she joined the team with her skills in biodiversity conservation, forest management and natural resources management. With her experience in assessing threats to protected areas, TNRM (Transfer of Natural Resources Management) and community support in conservation, she contributes to the implementation of different projects.

GIS, Remote Sensing and Carbon Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Fety Abel Rakotomalala

Currently a PhD student, he holds a DEA of Physics, specialised in "geophysics, remote sensing and GIS" from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo in Madagascar (IOGA). He brings his expertise to the impacts of deforestation, above-ground biomass mapping and scenario development of carbon emissions

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Country representative in Madagascar / Regional coordinator and Project Manager / Forest & REDD+

Tsoa Andrianamenosoa Rakotondrasoa Miaratiana

Engineer in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Antananarivo, holder of a Master 2 in planning and management of tropical ecosystems (University of Lomé), a Master in Agroecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change (University of Antananarivo and Montpellier SupAgro) and a Master in Agroecology and Resource Management from Bordeaux Sciences Agro. He coordinates the Nitidæ sub-office in Fort-Dauphin and brings his expertise to the setting up and coordination of two major projects in the southern and southeastern part of Madagascar: Talaky Be financed by AFD and the European Union and Beampingaratsy National Protected Area financed by the Rainforest Trust Foundation