PAD NORD-HAÏTI - Sustainable management of Limbé watershed and measurement of the environmental impact of agricultural activities
Main goals
The project is an extension of the "Food Security Project in Northeast Haiti" (PSANH) led by Agrisud since 2010. It focuses on the Limbé watershed composed by the 4 major following municipalities: Limbé, Bas Limbé, Marmelade and Acul North. 3 distinct geomorphological areas can be observed from upstream to downstream:
- Wet mountain areas: slope systems (cassava, taro, beans, peas, corn, livestock);
- Piedmont area: agroforestry (fruit, coffee, cocoa, bananas and yams);
- Plains area: wet and dry plain systems (rice, sugar cane, peanuts, bananas).
Specific objectives
This great diversity of these systems allows a very varied production adapted to major markets (Limbé, Cap Haïtien and Port au Prince). However, small farms (<1 ha) are subject to intense constraints due to watershed degradation. Erosion of slope lands i) decreases the quality and size of usable land, ii) do not allow to secure current crops and iii) worsen floods threat and cultures burying downstream. This erosion results from the violence of rainfall events on some very steep land, undermined by inappropriate agricultural practices and deforestation (for energy production and timber and for new agricultural areas opening).
The project aims at strengthening agricultural systems through a comprehensive restoration of farms environment and by integrating trees into production systems (to secure land, intensify and diversify revenues in the mid-long term). The environmental interest of these activities is measured in terms of climate change mitigation and impact on natural resources, including water, soil and biodiversity.
R1. Fight against poverty
R2. Socio-economic sustainable development of rural populations
R3. Preservation and development of natural resources (water, soil, biodiversity)
R4. Adaptation / Mitigation regarding climate change (resilience of farming systems, reducing agricultural GHG emissions and carbon sequestration)
A1. Coaching and training 700 farmers to improve their technical, economic and environmental practices
A2. Support 4 municipalities regarding planning and implementation of development plans on the watershed
A3. Development of methods of analysis and monitoring dedicated to the environmental impact of the project in terms of greenhouse gases emission and natural resources preservation
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