PRM2 - Preserve the biodiversity of Mabi-Yaya & Strengthen the socio-economic development of the Mé
Main goals
Contribute to the resilience of landscapes through the concerted management of natural resources and the promotion of zero deforestation agriculture at the territorial level. The project contributes to the improvement of the living conditions of the populations, to the protection of the forests of Mabi-Yaya and to the strengthening of the resilience of the territory of the Mé to climate change
Specific objectives
SO1. Promote Income Generating Activities with Ivorian Civil Society Organizations, involving young people and women, which are adapted to climate change and which contribute to the protection of protected areas and remaining forest cover.
SO2. Support for the transition of production methods and investment in natural capital, by restoring degraded land and forests on the outskirts of the Mabi Yaya Nature Reserve.
SO3. Strengthen land use planning, the management of protected areas, and land and forest governance in the Mé region.
SO4. Measure the impact of the project and construction of a "Zero deforestation territory" standard
- Village communities
- Male and female farmers
- Smallholder foresters
- Ivorian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
- Institutional partners (OIPR, Mé Regional Council)
- Young entrepreneurs and beekeepers
- Savings and Credit Groups made up of women from the targeted villages, and groups of women processors of attieké
- Traditional charcoal producers
R1. The Mé region has a local network of Civil Society Organizations engaged in income-generating activities adapted to climate change, favorable to the protection of protected areas and forest cover
R2. Agricultural and forestry producers in the Mé region are adapting their practices to the challenges of climate change, socially and economically enhancing natural resources and contributing to the restoration of degraded land in the peripheral area
R3. Territorial development and planning is promoted and strengthened, and the peripheral communities of the Mabi Yaya Nature Reserve are engaged in land and forest governance in the Mé region
R4. Impacts are measured and a "Zero Deforestation" reference system is built
A1. Training and support for 20 young people from classified forests in IGAs in the field of renewable energies
A2. Training and support for 10 young people to launch a beekeeping activity
A3. Training and support of 15 charcoal burners in improved carbonization
A4. Establishment of women's savings and credit groups for the creation of Income Generating Activities in 8 villages
A5. Construction and installation by local artisans of improved cooking equipment in 2 groups of attiéké processors
A6. Strengthen the technical and organizational skills of the Mé Cooperative of Organic Cocoa Producers (SCOOP PCBM), and engage 60 producers in organic production
A7. Accompany and technically support farmers in the diversification and improvement of their production system with a view to transitioning production methods and adapting to climate change (food crops and cash crops)
A8. Accompany and technically support small forest owners in the rural domain in order to relaunch a development process
A9. Reforest 30 ha in the rural domain
A10. Set up an Independent Observation process on the outskirts of Mabi-Yaya
A11. Carry out a territorial diagnosis for the Mé Region
A12. Supporting the Mé Regional Council for forest monitoring
A13. Support OIPR for deployment in the Mabi-Yaya Nature Reserve
A14. Write the local development plans of 8 peripheral villages of the Mabi Yaya Nature Reserve
A15. Support and contribute to the realization of at least 8 village projects supported and implemented by local development committees
A16. Officially delimit 4 villages on the outskirts of the Mabi Yaya Nature Reserve
A17. Mapping over the entire territory of vegetation, resources, land cover and its changes
A18. Definition of a baseline for evaluating the monitoring and impacts of territorial programs/projects in rural areas
A19. Characterize the determinants of a zero-deforestation territorial approach in the Mé region
A20. Construction of "Sector" and "Territory" standards certified "zero deforestation"
Related documents

Arounankro - Local Development Plan (LDP), co-constructed as part of the PRM2 Project

Bassadzin - Local Development Plan (LDP), co-constructed as part of the PRM2 Project

Danguira - Local Development Plan (LDP), co-constructed as part of the PRM2 Project

Koutoukro 1 - Local Development Plan (LDP), co-constructed as part of the PRM2 Project

M'Bohoin - Local Development Plan (LDP), co-constructed as part of the PRM2 Project

Yakassé-Comoé - Local Development Plan (LDP), co-constructed as part of the PRM2 Project

Nyan - Local Development Plan (LDP), co-constructed as part of the PRM2 Project

Presentation - Mapping of plant biodiversity in the Mabi-Yaya Nature Reserve in Côte d’Ivoire

Rapport de stage - Internship report - Mapping of plant biodiversity in the Mabi-Yaya Nature Reserve in Côte d’Ivoire

PRM2 Newsletter - Preserve the biodiversity of Mabi-Yaya & Strengthen the socio-economic development of the Mé

Presentation to the Steering Committee of the results obtained (August 2023) of the PRM2 project Preserve the biodiversity of Mabi-Yaya & S…

Mapping of land occupation and use in the Mé Region and analysis of changes between 2016 and 2022

PRM2 Leaflet - Preserving the biodiversity of Mabi-Yaya & Strengthening the socio-economic development of the Mé

Presentation of the results of the PRM2 project at the 5th meeting of the project's Steering Committee.
Related people

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Onkado Valentin Gonto
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Cédric Goore
Registered in Master of Agroecology, he holds a license in Agroecology from the Eudist Technological University Institute of Africa (IUTEA) and a Certificate of Higher Agricultural Technician obtained at the Regional School of Agronomy of the South of bingerville. He worked for 7 years at ECOM Cote d'Ivoire and Syngenta Cote d'Ivoire in the context of audit and certification project management in cocoa sustainability. Since 2022 he has joined Nitidae as an Agricultural Trainer Advisor on the PRM2 project.
Virginie Vergnes
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Eugène Nzebo
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Paul Martin Kouakou
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Bertrand Descours
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Jacques Anzian Bilé
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Elvira Dje Lou
Based in Abidjan, she holds a BTS in Finance Accounting and Business Management from the private University IVESTP

Aimé Magatou
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Camara Tiemoko
He holds a BTS in agriculture, crop production option. His first work focused on estimating the yield of cassava production under the state PUAPV program in 2017. He then worked at ICRAF (International Center for Agroforestry Research) as agricultural technician from 2018 to 2020, then as assistant botanist on the Forest4Future project for GIZ

Beatriz Bellón
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Zoé Galliath
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Antoine Aupois
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