TERRESIL - Territorial approach as a lever for socio-environmental resilience in 3 African landscapes of priority interest for biodiversity

March 2021
March 2025
Project cost
2 100 000 €
Role in the project


Burkina Faso Côte d’Ivoire


Agriculture Organic Agriculture Agroecology Agroforestry Agroprocessing Biodiversity Climate Degradation-Restoration Forest Market REDD+ Remote sensing


Banana Timber Wood energy Cocoa Cashew Gum arabic Hevea Shea Cassava Horticulture Honey NTFPs Rice Sesame

Main goals

In order to provide territorial and local responses to forest preservation issues, the program aims to develop and consolidate a "landscape" approach in the management of natural and rural areas of priority interest for biodiversity. It is part of the continuity of the REDD+ Project of the Mé (PRM) and is in synergy with the projects of sustainable territories in progress in the landscapes of the Biological Diversity Zone of Mount Tingui (PAP-BIO) in Côte d'Ivoire and the PONASI complex in Burkina Faso (PONASI - WAKANDA) that the FFGE is co-financing.

Specific objectives

SO1. Strengthen concerted territorial planning that fully integrates biodiversity conservation issues
SO2. Strengthen the management of protected areas and their role at the landscape level
SO3. Supporting the transition of production methods and investment in natural capital
SO4. Measuring the impact of the project and building a "Zero Deforestation Territory" standard


Inhabitants and farmers of the region who constitute the populations of the target landscapes of Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire. In particular, will be targeted:

  • Group of agro-pastoralists and artisans constituting the main animators of the local economy
  • Group of grassroots community organizations
  • Group of representatives of public administrations
  • The local populations of the Mabi-Yaya Natural Reserve
  • The local populations of Mount Tingui and the adjoining PNC, including transhumant herders
  • Sectoral associations, particularly farmers, collectors and herders
  • Agents of the local authorities, the Decentralized Technical Services (STD), elected officials, customary authorities and civil society


R1. Carrying out territorial diagnoses and building prospective scenarios
R2. Elaboration of the SRADT of Tchologo
R3. Organization and facilitation of a consultation framework for local authorities in the PONASI complex
R4. Strengthening the skills of decentralized authorities to plan their actions
R5. Support for the emergence of new and decentralized financing
R6. Consolidation of transhumance routes
R7. securing and monitoring of the PONASI complex protected areas
R8. Support to the management of the Mount Tingui Biological Diversity Area
R9. Support to the deployment of the OIPR in the new RN of Mabi Yaya and transfer of skills between Nitidæ and OIPR
R10. Test of a method for mapping the β-biodiversity associated with cocoa cultivation using remote sensing techniques in the Mé region
R11. Establishment of a network of permanent plots in protected areas subject to fire and grazing (dry areas)
R12. Support to innovation of agricultural producers
R13. Support for the development of "zero deforestation" agricultural sectors
R14. Valorization and extension of wooded areas
R15. Construction of a toolbox "to develop zero deforestation and biodiversity preserving sectors
R16. Mapping of vegetation, resources, land use and changes throughout the territory
R17. Evaluation of the impact of producer support on deforestation (Me)
R18. Definition of a reference framework for the evaluation of monitoring and impacts of territorial programs/projects in rural areas
R19. Characterize the determinants of a zero deforestation territory approach in the three project landscapes
R20. Construction of a "Certified Zero Deforestation Territory" reference system


A1. Construction & formalization of structured dialogues reconciling rural development and concerted management of natural resources
A2. Support for land tenure security and concerted access to natural resources
A3. Strengthening the operational management of protected areas
A4. Supporting the OIPR in taking control of the Mabi-Yaya National Park
A5. Consolidate tools and methods for monitoring biodiversity in and around protected areas
A6. To improve the social and economic valuation of natural resources allowing a better resilience of the populations facing multiple challenges while guaranteeing the positive impact of these sectors directly and indirectly on the ecosystems
A7. Consolidate the Zero Deforestation Value Chain approach
A8. Measure and monitor the environmental and social impact of the project and capitalize on the achievements to conceptualize a monitoring and evaluation system for territorial projects
A9. Develop a framework to move from a value chain approach to a landscape approach to fight deforestation in a territory

Related people

Country representative in Côte d'Ivoire

Renaud Lapeyre

PhD in environmental and development economics (ENS Cachan, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines), he is expert in conservation finance, including through ecotourism and innovative financial mechanisms (PES), and he specialised in international cooperation programs. He worked several years in Namibia, Morocco, and Kenya. In 2012, he joined Iddri (SciencesPo Paris) as senior researcher in biodiversity economics, before joining WWF France in 2017, as a manager for public sector partnerships

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Project Manager / Agriculture & Market / France

Benjamin Garnier

Agricultural Engineer, specialised in "quality of the environment and resources management", from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT). He brings his expertise in feasibility studies for investment funds, agricultural markets studies and analysis of value chains

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Cédric Rabany

Holder of a Master of Science, "Agricultural Engineer and territories development" from the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture (ISARA Lyon), he brings his expertise in agro-food/agricultural sectors' analysis and development, strengthening of supplychain actors (producers, private/public actors, agro-food industries...), socio-economic analysis of agricultural chains and his great knowledge of companies in these markets

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Matthieu Tiberghien

Holder of a Master's degree in Management from the Paris-Dauphine University and a Master in "Social Policies and Planning in developing Countries" from the London School of Economics, he brings his expertise in project building and project management in renewable energy, REDD+, technical engineering, economic and financial due diligence, business development, strategic partnerships, fundraising and human ressources management

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Technical coordinator / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Odilon Chambers

As a geographer, specializing in rural development, he has been based in West Africa since 2016. First stationed in Mali on behalf of Luxembourg cooperation, he then joined the team in 2021. Hands-on man, he coordinates agricultural activities in the north of Côte d'Ivoire around cashew-food production systems, forest resources (shea), product labeling as well as environmental conservation around the Comoé National Park. It is also involved in specific studies on value-chain, traceability and marketing

Project Coordinator / Côte d'Ivoire

Denis Koffi Méa

Holder of a Master 2 in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Denis joined Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in December 2016 to supervise land use planning activities (development of local development plans) and land tenure security for the REDD + Project. of soul. He is now the manager of the PAP-Bio Comoé project.

Responsable administrative et financière / Côte d'Ivoire

Emmanuella Adoh

Holder of a license in accounting and financial sciences and techniques from ESCAE (Niamey) and a master's degree in auditing and management control from the private University Intellect Afrique, based in Abidjan, she joined the team of Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in November 2018 as accounting assistant for the Agrovalor project. She is now based in Dabakala and holds the post of administrative and financial manager of the PAP-BIO Comoé project

Agricultural and Local Development Animator / Côte d'Ivoire

Nanga Léon Ouattara

Holder of a University Diploma of Technology in agro-pastoral management, Nanga first developed the family farm before working as a farm supervisor of vegetable growers associations in Sinfra and joining the REDD + project team of the Mé in January 2017. He is now mobilized as Agricultural Animator and Local Development within the framework of the PAP-Bio Comoé project.

Associate Expert / Côte d'Ivoire

Soungari Sekongo

Engineer in Tropical Agronomy from the CIED, option "plant production", he brings his expertise in agricultural markets analysis, advising-supporting actors, vegetable production and supporting professional agricultural organizations (management, capacity building)

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Agricultural and Local Development Animator / Côte d'Ivoire

Hartmann Emmanuel Monda

Holder of a BTS Management of Agricultural Holdings, Hartmann joined Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in 2018 and mainly brings his expertise on the implementation of the various measures accompanying the REDD+ Project of the Mé He is now mobilized as Agricultural Animator and Local Development within the framework of the PAP-Bio Comoé project.

Field animator / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Nancy-Scarlet Monena Bla

Graduated with an Advanced Technician Certificate in Tropical Agriculture, a certificate of completion of the Cashew Master Training Program. She stands out in the organization, advice, training, support and monitoring of the agricultural sector. Today, she brings her expertise as a Local Agricultural Development Facilitator as part of the PAP BIO project

Field facilitator / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Kevin Yavo Boni

Graduated with a master in Management of Agropastoral Companies and Organizations; a Degree in Economics and Agropastoral Management from the Institute of Agro-Pastoral Management at the University of Korhogo (Côte d'Ivoire). He brought his expertise as a Technician, Advisor, Trainer in various agricultural structures. Today, he brings his experience as a Facilitator of Agricultural and Local Development within the framework of the PAP Bio project

Agricultural and Local Development Coordinator / Agriculture & Market / Côte d'Ivoire

Djédou Jean-Jacques Tano

Graduated with a higher technician's certificate in tropical agriculture and cooperation from the Institut National de Formation Professionnelle Agricole of Côte-d’Ivoire, a bachelor's degree in Food Science and Technology from Nangui-Abrogoua University in Abidjan. He brings his expertise as an agronomist technician for sustainable cocoa farming to producer cooperatives, as a mentor-coach to groups of horticulture producers and cashew producer cooperatives. He is particularly involved in the PAP-Bio Comoé project.

Monitoring-evaluator / Forest & REDD+ / Côte d'Ivoire

Jean Saturnin Dio

Graduated from a Masters in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, he is pursuing a thesis at Université Félix Houphouët Boigny. He took his first steps as an assistant in charge of studies (Atlas Project, BDAT, IMAGE) within the Mapping and GIS Department of the Ministère du Plan et du Développement de Côte d’Ivoire. Subsequently, he worked for Nitidæ on land use, carbon stocks, management plans, then for the National Forest and Wildlife Inventory project before joining the team for PAP BIO COMOE project monitoring&evaluation

Project Manager / France

Noémie Rullier

Holder of an Engineering diploma in Agronomy, specializing in Sustainable agricultural & Agri-Food systems for the South, from Montpellier SupAgro- Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), she brings her expertise to support technical changes and development processes in rural area; to support farm advisory, training engineering and plant biology research

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work

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Project Manager / France

Clovis Grinand

PhD in Functional Ecology and Agronomic Sciences (SupAgro, IRD and CIRAD) and specialized in Localized Information Systems for Spatial Planning (AgroParisTech), he is an expert in land use change monitoring using remote sensing, digital soil mapping and spatial modeling applied to forestry, agronomy and landscape ecology. He is the author of numerous international scientific publications.

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Task officer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Moussa Bingboure

Graduated with a Master 2 in Project Management at Senghor University of Alexandria, and Master 1 in Agricultural and Environmental Economics at Norbert Zongo University, he brings his expertise in the development of agricultural value chains and agro-food, strengthening the technical and organizational capacities of stakeholders in the sectors and also in the analysis of agricultural markets. He also has good experience in the development and coordination of agricultural development and natural resource preservation projects

Country representative in Burkina Faso

Sophie Yaogo

Graduated with a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from National Taiwan University (College of Bio-resources and Agriculture) and a Master's degree in Economics and Management of Social and Solidarity Economy Businesses from Thomas Sankara University, she has skills in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of sustainable development projects, the analysis of agricultural value chains and the valorization of agricultural products. She joined Nitidæ in 2017 as Agricultural Trainer Advisor for the SESAME (Sesame Marketing and Export) project, then in charge of field coordination of WAKANDA (West African Knowledge for Agriculture, Nature and Development Activities)

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Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Sandrine Tougri

Agronomist engineer graduated from the Rural Development Institute (IDR) of the Nazi Boni University in Burkina-Faso. She worked at the Institute for the Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA) in Kamboinsé (Ouagadougou) and at Save the Children International. She brings her expertise in supporting producers in the rural world as well as popularizing good agricultural practices within the Wakanda project.

Project Officer / Energy / Burkina-Faso

Magloire Sacla Aïde

Design & Mechanical Engineer, specialised in "Energy and industrial technician in mechanical production" from the Ecole Polytechnique of Abomey Calavi (EPAC) in Benin, he brings his expertise in renewable energy including biomass energy recovery and industrial process

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Project manager / Bioenergy & Waste / Burkina-Faso

Hervé Abbo

Holder of a diploma in Energy Engineering and a master's degree in International Relations, he worked on improved stoves on behalf of organizations such as the Ministry of Energy and GIZ in Benin. Before joining the team, he worked as a Green Energy Project Manager (Recovery of biodegradable household waste into biofuels) for a Benin-French NGO

Agricultural Advisor Trainer / Agriculture & Market/ Burkina-Faso

Pawendtaoré Amos Sawadogo

Graduated of the Higher Technician's Certificate in Agriculture from the Polyvalent Agricultural Center of Matourkou in Burkina-Faso, he has experience in the development of agro-forestry development plans and the organization of rural producers into cooperative societies according to OHADA standards. Within the Tiipaalga Association, he ensured the sustainable management of land and forests for the benefit of producers in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Plateau-Central regions, then he provided agricultural technical support in the Center-East region

Agricultural Advisor Trainer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Siaka Sanou

Holder of a water and forest engineering diploma from the Rural Development Institute (IDR) of the Nazie Boni University in Burkina Faso, he brings his expertise in supporting producers in the rural world for good agroforestry practices within the project Wakanda

Accountant / Burkina-Faso

Zalissa Dialla Kabore

Holder of a Masters in Economics and Management, option Economics and Management of Companies and Organizations. She worked in several structures before joining the team, she currently holds the position of accountant for the WAKANDA project in Burkina-Faso.

Agricultural Trainer Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Alexandre Kabore

Rural development engineer, agronomy option at the Institute of Rural Development (IDR) of the Nazi Boni University (UNB) in Burkina Faso. He worked in the field of production and marketing of various horticultural crops in Burkina Faso. He brings his expertise in the supervision and monitoring of horticultural activities within the WAKANDA project

Project manager / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Adeline Dorothée Kando

Socio-anthropologist and committed to gender issues and women's leadership in Burkina Faso, Adeline has joined the team in Burkina Faso since March 2019 and holds the position of Project manager of Shea sector

PONASI Accountant / Burkina-Faso

Abdoul Yaguibou

Holder of a Professional License in Management Science specializing in Finance and Accounting. Since 2009, he has worked as an accountant-tax specialist and material accountant in several fields (community, state public establishment, construction and trading company, accounting firm) and in training - support for companies and organizations vocational (GERME 1 and Professional Schools) and the rural world.

Project Officer / Energy / Burkina-Faso

Romaric Aouake

Holder of an engineering degree in management of mining, oil and energy activities, Romaric joined Nitidæ Côte d'Ivoire in January 2018 and currently holds the position of Energy Project Manager for the REDD + Project of Mé. He brings his expertise in the improvement of carbonization techniques and the support of local biomass energy recovery and energy efficiency projects.

Family Farm Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Inoussa Tapsoba

Certified by the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and Hydro-agricultural Development for permanent agricultural surveys. Passionate about plant production, he brings his expertise in supporting producers as well as popularizing good agricultural practices that respect the environment within the PONASI Project

Family Farm Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Aouya Zibare

Holder of a general university study diploma (DEUG) in History and archeology from Joseph Ky ZERBO University in Ouagadougou. Passionate about interactions between communities and within communities, he brings his expertise in supporting producers as well as popularizing good agricultural practices that respect the environment within the PONASI Project

Family Farm Advisor / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Ousmane Nebié

Certified by the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and Hydro-agricultural Development for permanent agricultural surveys and extension in rural areas. Passionate about plant production, he brings his expertise and highlights his experience in supporting producers as well as popularizing good agricultural practices that respect the environment within the PONASI Project