SESAL - Study on cultivation and post-harvest practices and contamination in the sesame industry

January 2024
April 2024
Project cost
17 000 €
Role in the project
Sector and quality expertise


Burkina Faso





Main goals

Carry out a complete study identifying the material conditions and the stages during which the risks of pesticide and salmonella contamination are greatest.
Identify the best practices to be put in place to avoid such contamination, based on the above observations.
To create an educational tool, with a user guide, to raise awareness among the various players of the risks associated with current practices, their impact on the industry's economy and the best alternative practices to be implemented.

Specific objectives

SO1. Identify the sources of pesticide and salmonella contamination in batches of sesame from Burkina Faso.
SO2. Develop a training tool to inform Burkina Faso stakeholders in the sesame value chain about the origin of contamination and its impact, and disseminate best practices to avoid contamination.

Related people

Project officer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Caroline Bassono

She graduated from the agronomy school of Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, specialized in Plant Science and Productions - Agrosystems Engineering. She brings her expertise in the development of sustainable farming systems, the support of producers in improving their practices, the creation of training materials on production and post-harvest techniques (sesame) and agroecology

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Project Officer / France

François Griffon

Holder of a Master's degree in "Sustainable Farming and Agri-food Systems in the South", specialised in "Markets, Organization, Quality and Services" from Montpellier SupAgro - Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), he brings his expertise in sector and value chain analysis, market studies, quality management and farmers' organisations services and support

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Agricultural Advisor Trainer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Hermann Mouintuan Coulibaly

Holder of an engineering degree in Agronomy at Ouaga University 1 Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo / Polytechnic Center of Dédougou, he brings his experience in functional analysis of farming systems, animation of agricultural organization, technical crop management (cotton, sesame, maize, rice ...) and training of farmers