VANINA - Study and monitoring of deforestation in the vanilla supply basin for a company

January 2022
February 2022
Project cost
12 000 €
Role in the project
Deforestation and geoportal expertise




Agroforestry Climate Degradation-Restoration Forest REDD+ Remote sensing





Main goals

The company wants to assess deforestation in its supply area and monitor it in order to move towards a zero deforestation value chain

Specific objectives

SO1. Estimate past deforestation and the risk that affiliated producers have practiced deforestation in recent years (including a field mission to analyze the dynamics)
SO2. Production of a map of historical deforestation that can be used by the teams
SO3. Set up a monitoring tool (online geoportal fed by annual monitoring of deforestation and the evolution of risk) to ensure that there are no new deforested plots in supply areas
SO4. Transfer of skills and mastery of the tool by training a person within the company

Related people

GIS, Remote Sensing and Carbon Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Fety Abel Rakotomalala

Currently a PhD student, he holds a DEA of Physics, specialised in "geophysics, remote sensing and GIS" from the Faculty of Sciences of Antananarivo in Madagascar (IOGA). He brings his expertise to the impacts of deforestation, above-ground biomass mapping and scenario development of carbon emissions

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD + / France

Marie Nourtier

PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work

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Project Manager / Forest & REDD+ / Madagascar

Ny Avy Andriamisaina

Forestry engineer, specialized on "Ecosystem and Biodiversity" and graduated from ESSA (Madagascar), she joined the team with her skills in biodiversity conservation, forest management and natural resources management. With her experience in assessing threats to protected areas, TNRM (Transfer of Natural Resources Management) and community support in conservation, she contributes to the implementation of different projects.

Project officer / Forest & REDD + / France

Frédérique Montfort

Doctor of AgroParisTech in environmental sciences, she brings her expertise on the biodiversity component and on the degradation and restoration of forest landscapes. She joined N’Lab de Nitidæ in 2017 to carry out her thesis with the association, UR Forêts & Sociétés and UMR Tétis on the degradation and restoration of Miombo forest landscapes in Mozambique. She is currently conducting studies and technical support (capacity building, technology transfer) on various projects of the association

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Project Manager / France

Noémie Rullier

Holder of an Engineering diploma in Agronomy, specializing in Sustainable agricultural & Agri-Food systems for the South, from Montpellier SupAgro- Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC), she brings her expertise to support technical changes and development processes in rural area; to support farm advisory, training engineering and plant biology research

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