WAMANGO - Training companies to identify, assess, reduce and recover waste in mango processing in Burkina Faso

March 2021
March 2022
Project cost
9 000 €
Role in the project
Process expertise


Burkina Faso


Agroprocessing Bioenergy Market


Organic waste Mango


Main goals

Provide support to improve the competitiveness of the Burkinabe mango sector and advice on environmental and social issues

Specific objectives

The objective of the mission is to prepare and run a collective training course for managers of horticultural production companies and mango packing stations in Burkina Faso on the theme: "Evaluation, Reduction and Valorisation of waste from the mango sector - Identifying, evaluating the quantity and valuing the waste".


Managers of mango production, processing and packaging companies


At the end of the training, participants from the companies should be able to:
R1. Understand the benefits of reducing and recovering mango waste
R2. Identify the types of mango waste generated throughout the production chain and the causes and critical stages
R3. Assess the amount of waste generated throughout the production chain using record sheets


A1. Preparation of the companies's accompaniment
A2. Remote learning on the use of record sheets
A3. Accompaniment in the company
A4. Data collection
A5. Report on in-company training and data collection
A6. Preparation, facilitation and reporting of the debriefing day
A7. Follow-up with companies

Related people

Project officer / Agriculture & Market / Burkina-Faso

Caroline Bassono

She graduated from the agronomy school of Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, specialized in Plant Science and Productions - Agrosystems Engineering. She brings her expertise in the development of sustainable farming systems, the support of producers in improving their practices, the creation of training materials on production and post-harvest techniques (sesame) and agroecology

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Project manager / Bioenergy & Waste / Côte d'Ivoire

Julia Artigas Sancho

Process engineer and holder of a European MsC in Renewable energies, she works on energy-related issues in African industry, since 2016. Process optimization and agri-waste-to-energy systems are her main expertise areas: appropriate technologies, training on operation and maintenance, biofuels…

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