The construction site of the future cashew shell biomass plant in Benin is on track!
This plant, inspired by the model of the Sra Em plant developed in Cambodia, is the first physical concretization of components 1 (Capitalization on the experience of Cambodia), 2 (Structuring of the industrial sector) and 3 (achievements on the ground) of the Agro_Gazelec program financed by the FFEM.
The cashew shell gasification system and the two generators for the TOLARO self-production plant left the manufacturing workshops in Cambodia at the end of January 2023 to make a long journey by cargo ship to Benin!
The installation of the first equipment is scheduled for the end of March, with commissioning of the plant at the beginning of May.
This project, co-financed by the OCEF facility of the Millennium Challenge Account - Benin II (MCA-Benin II)-Benin 2, aims to transform agro-industrial waste into electricity to meet the needs of the factory, and thus improve the competitiveness of the local processing sector and limit its impact on the environment.
This plant, the first in West Africa of its kind, opens the door to many new opportunities, with the aim of building a second pilot this year!
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